View Full Version : The ultimate coalburner experience

Odin's balls
02-26-2019, 10:12 PM

This is what happens to coalburners when the buck chimps out and flings sulphuric acid instead of poop.

Eyebleach warning.

03-01-2019, 06:25 AM
Yeah, she's been a regular guest here for a while now....she clearly hasn't learned anything....she dates a nigger, gets basted in acid, then goes to Pakistan to get it fixed by an asslifter? :lol

You really have a knack for finding burners named Katie, don't you?

Odin's balls
03-01-2019, 03:35 PM
What really boils my piss is that the soppy twats in the MSM keep labelling her as 'brave' or 'courageous'.

There is nothing brave or courageous about laying down with a filthy feral buck and the most miniscule amount of common sense would tell even the most hardened local bike that it is only going to end one way and not in the favour of the burner.

Ever seen a 70 year old coalburner and it's pet living the good life in a financially stable retirement?

No. Me neither.

03-01-2019, 03:47 PM
Ever seen a 70 year old coalburner and it's pet living the good life in a financially stable retirement?

No. Me neither.

What's more sickening is now ads show middle age coalburners and even retirement age skanks with similar age apes. When is this ever real? A nigger won't even stay with its spawn and whore, and it will stay with its burner? And now they're pairing decent looking men with ugly she-apes. This race, actually species, mixing is really destroying civilization.

SC Anemia
03-01-2019, 05:33 PM
Ever seen a 70 year old coalburner and it's pet living the good life in a financially stable retirement?

No. Me neither.

Excellent point there OB!