View Full Version : $152 million nigger lotto from Ford after teenaper gets paralyzed from a rollover

02-19-2019, 02:06 PM
Same old stupid story, it's an automaker's fault when someone gets into a bad accident and the vehicle turns out not to be indestructible.

The jury awarded $100m in punitive damages and the rest in compensatory damages after finding that the 1998 Ford Explorer did not meet the company’s own safety guidelines, according to a court document seen by Reuters and lawyers for plaintiff Travaris “Tre” Smith.

The document, released on Friday, said Ford “acted wantonly” in designing the vehicle.


Guaranteed that if you passed by with a bucket of KFC, or a vulnerable white girl walked by, the nigger would suddenly get new legs.

Buck Simian
02-20-2019, 09:31 AM
Question: Who did the nigger steal the car from?

Cracka Jack
02-20-2019, 09:39 AM
Mr Smith was riding in the SUV when its driver swerved to avoid an animal and the vehicle rolled over twice,


SC Anemia
02-20-2019, 11:20 AM
I've seen first hand the crap niggers can do to motor vehicles. Ever see something and wonder to yourself "how the hell did that happen/did that get there ?"

Niggers are a flat-out menace behind the wheel and Sandman is right, you couldn't possibly expect auto companies to make cars nigger-proof.

***heard some stories from my son about how the apes actually managed to fuck up Humvees and other military vehicles while in Iraq.

Sheboon DeLuxe
02-20-2019, 11:41 AM
50 million dollars compensatory for a useless nigger? As if he was going to find a cure for cancer or find the Unifying Field Theory that eluded Einstein, had not this rayciss SUV crushed his precious young spirit. :facepalm