View Full Version : Its official - Sanders 2020

Buck Simian
02-19-2019, 08:57 AM
Holy Crap the old fossil is going to give it one more run. What kind of a chance does he possibly thinks he stands? Now if we can get Hillary in the mix on more time it might just look like the ultimate rerun with the same outcome no doubt.


02-19-2019, 12:59 PM
Trump is guaranteed to win again now.... I fucking love it :lol

SC Anemia
02-19-2019, 01:20 PM
The 2020 shit-show is going to be entertaining. :snack

02-19-2019, 06:28 PM
Oh please, he will get the nom then end up conceding to whomever is standing around him. The man is mentally unfit to live let alone be in office.

02-19-2019, 06:35 PM
He pretends to be a nigger lover and wants racial equality. Moving to underground railroad.. :lol

Rape Ape
02-19-2019, 06:52 PM
We've got the Fake Injun, Willie Brown's half ape cum dumpster, and now Vermont's Nutty Uncle. How soon until Maximum Watermelon tosses its weave into the ring? Cue "Entry of the Gladiators" on an old circus organ... :lmao

And you know The Rapist's cum dumpster is going to try again. Bet on it...

Edit: Oh, almost forgot, speaking of "gladiators".. Faggot Nigger Sparticus. :lmao

02-19-2019, 09:50 PM
I am dying to watch them debate each other, seriously, it's going to be like Aids, Herpes, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Crabs screaming that "they" are ok, it's the other's that are bad.

Cracka Jack
02-19-2019, 10:00 PM
I read that Bernie was kicked out of a commune back in the 60's for being a lazy leach. Even the other hippie commies wouldn't tolerate his worthless ass.

Trump it going to get 80% of the vote!!!


02-20-2019, 04:50 AM
It would be nice if that Starbucks guy Schulz runs as an independent. Democrats are undisciplined, this is why Hilary lost.

02-20-2019, 09:42 AM
He'll be 79 on election day. Good luck running the insane gambit of a campaign route and trying to keep focused on your Marxist message at that age.

Billary couldn't do it at 69.

Sheboon DeLuxe
02-20-2019, 12:14 PM
I read that Bernie was kicked out of a commune back in the 60's for being a lazy leech. Even the other hippie commies wouldn't tolerate his worthless ass.

I read about that too. The other commie hippies said all he was good for was talking commie shit for hours on end. Sanders and his new bride also went to Moscow for their honeymoon. This during the height of the Cold War. It's possible that he is technically an illegal immigrant, just like Oswald was. Be fun to hear Trump accuse him of that in a televised debate.

Whitey Ford
02-20-2019, 09:57 PM
Breadlines are a good thing!


Midder Peenud Hayed
02-20-2019, 11:11 PM
Bernie will fracture the loyal core of the communist Democrat Party.

He has a legion of followers, but the current base of the Democrato Partido Nuevo doesn't want a straight White male (or female for that matter) over the age of 50.

They want a minority -- preferably a nigger. They want a queer, or a transsexual, or someone who "self-identifies" as a parakeet.

Biden, Sanders, Bill Clinton's wife, Fauxcahontas -- none of them have a chance in 2020.

They're not dark enough, queer enough, or perverted enough.

Cracka Jack
02-20-2019, 11:46 PM
They're not dark enough, queer enough, or perverted enough.

Well, not publicly... not yet at least.


Master Sergeant
02-21-2019, 04:15 PM
The Bern will stroke out if he has to hit the campaign trail hard. If that doesn't do him in a visit from the Clinton Cartels brutal crew will.

animal mother
02-21-2019, 04:22 PM
Bernie will fracture the loyal core of the communist Democrat Party.

He has a legion of followers, but the current base of the Democrato Partido Nuevo doesn't want a straight White male (or female for that matter) over the age of 50.

They want a minority -- preferably a nigger. They want a queer, or a transsexual, or someone who "self-identifies" as a parakeet.

Biden, Sanders, Bill Clinton's wife, Fauxcahontas -- none of them have a chance in 2020.

They're not dark enough, queer enough, or perverted enough.
This is why my money is on Cameltoe Harris. She female, nigger, and if she munches rug she is a shoo in.

SC Anemia
02-21-2019, 05:57 PM
What cracks me up is that Sanders does have a loyal base and that means all the more money the rest of the tards will have to spend to ultimately lose to Trump.
