View Full Version : What's up with ID channel and mudsharks?

02-17-2019, 05:28 AM
It's late and just watching ID channel.

First episode was about a burner, Edwardyne Williams, being strangled to death by her sprog. The mutant was resentful because his stepdad was a white guy who was mean to him.

The next one was about an Aubrey Mabrey where the mudshark is burnt by her pet nigger. Disfigured but survived. She has 2 sprogs and now married to another nigger.
How can these women be so stupid, believing in what a nigger says.

The consolation is, the coalburners always get killed or maimed by their pet or offspring.

Whitey Ford
02-23-2019, 10:23 PM
It looks like this ID channel is full of niggers too. I'd change the channel LOL.


Nappy Meal
02-24-2019, 02:22 AM
I know of a Burner who got Vaginal cancer from HPV she got fucking Niggers, who had to have all her Lady Bit's removed. A few years later her sprog got mad at her because it was deep frying some ghetto turkey after it's bed time and she told it to go to bed. The sprog took the boiling hot oil and dumped it on the nasty bitch. I was working in a burn unit when she arrived and remembered her from my clinicals when she had the cunt cancer. She had 3rd degree full circumference burns down both legs and had to have both legs amputated. The Toll was paid! but if the Universe had Mercy, Death would have been less painful than what this whore paid. Too bad she didn't get a spotlight on TV to show young ladies the Reality of bedding and breeding Niggers.