View Full Version : Be a nigger and join the US Army

Whitey Ford
02-02-2019, 08:13 AM
Good crap.


Buck Simian
02-02-2019, 10:13 AM
No offense to any actual real veterans reading this but this is exactly why I puke when I hear this instant hero stuff being given to all veterans. There are veterans and there are niggers. Simply putting on a uniform doesn't mean anything. No damn way will I ever walk up to a nigger and say thank you for your service.

SC Anemia
02-02-2019, 10:39 AM
What kind of horsefuckery is that? :tommy Thank Christ I'm a Marine. That shit is downright embarrassing.

@Buck Simian About the 'hero' thing...

Your absolutely right, the hero crap is so worn out. I'm a Marine and damned proud of it but automatically being a hero because of it is bullshit.
I didn't dodge enemy fire while running barefoot through a mine field with a wounded comrade on my back, bayonet in my teeth, squad automatic weapon in one hand while picking up enemy grenades and tossing them back with the other.

Nope, the truth? I was a scared 17 year old boy four days out of high school with no idea what to do next. I figured the military would be an easy and sure-fire roof over my head for four years. I went Marine Corps because I thought they had cool uniforms. How's that for some deep-thinking? And that's all the thought that went into it...really.

If course becoming a Marine is a motherfucker and that's why we're all a bunch of smug assholes but hero's we aint.

This recruiting commercial ^^^ way to go Army! :rofl

animal mother
02-02-2019, 11:49 AM
As a Vietnam vet, all I can say is :vomit

By the way, the reason we lost that war was asshole politicians in D.C. and niggers in the field.

02-02-2019, 02:06 PM
It's a fact that 99% of niggers that join the military, NO matter what branch... they end up as toilet scrubbers and mop jockeys.

Nappy Meal
02-02-2019, 08:54 PM
Great Job USAREC at attracting The Right Stuff. With all these fags, quarterly sexual harassment and white privilege training no-one worth their salt can stand to be in anymore.

Cat fur allergic
02-05-2019, 04:08 PM
Can't wait till the liberal masters start a war they can't win. They'll be shocked their men/women/it can't fight or just retarded that they can't operate the machines LOL. Real men would be sitting back and enjoying the show from afar!