View Full Version : SoyBoys at AskMen say hunting, self defense & auto repair are "obsolete" life skills for the modern man

Whitey Ford
01-27-2019, 02:50 AM
AskMen Says Men Should Ditch Obsolete Skills… Like Hunting (https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2019/01/john-boch/askmen-says-men-should-ditch-obsolete-skills-like-hunting/)

AskMen, the self-professed “experts” in men’s lifestyle for almost 20 years, say men should give up obsolete skills in today’s modern world. And they place hunting as skill #1 men should ditch “to be the kind of man who’s tops in the near future.” Wait, it gets better.

Let’s face it, the left in America has declared open war on more than guns. They hate masculinity in general. terming it toxic.


From there, Stobber tells us “Hunting” ranks as the first and foremost skill “new men” should leave behind. Instead, men should learn how to cook a meal. “Take a cooking class,” he writes. “Or try a meal-kit delivery service”. Maybe even “hunting” for ingredients at a grocery store stands as a hill too high for Ian and his pals to conquer.

Obsolete skill #2? Fighting. Instead of learning how to fight to protect those you love, the AskMen scribe suggests learning to mediate. At first I read that as “meditate”. Not that it matters. Both would prove equally worthless if Ray-Ray and his pal Mongo decide they’d like to have some fun with your girlfriend, wife or teenage daughter.

Among the other obsolete skills this guy says new age men don’t need: auto repair (learn computer coding instead), fixing things at home (learn how to decorate), and being a leader (become a collaborator follower!).

01-27-2019, 04:21 AM
Faggots. Nowadays men can't even joke about hunting women at the bar. Or how men use their manly skills to impress a broad.

SC Anemia
01-27-2019, 05:10 AM
Faggots. Nowadays men can't even joke about hunting women at the bar. Or how men use their manly skills to impress a broad.

Broad? Dude...you're being facetious right?

Anyway, I've told both my son's that if they ever called roadside assistance to change a flat, they'd better be wearing an expensive suit. Otherwise, they'd deserve a swift boot in the 'ol peaches. :lol

Cracka Jack
01-27-2019, 09:11 AM
And get a bikini wax around their assholes, that would be super!!!


Sheboon DeLuxe
01-27-2019, 11:59 AM
learn computer coding instead

The irony of that is Twitter will ban you if you tell someone to "learn to code." Snotty lefties have been telling that to men who lose jobs such as mining, farming and construction for the last few years. Now that hundreds of "journalists" are being laid off by left-wing outfits like HuffPo, who just laid off their entire opinion department :lol, the boys at 4chan/pol/ are using that insult right back at them, and they don't like it. So they are banning.



01-28-2019, 12:33 AM
LOL I reject the modern world and its wacky norms. Hail Odin!

Nappy Meal
01-28-2019, 01:23 AM
It's about impossible to raise kids anymore without all the liberals trying to turn these kids into faggots. I mean seriously turn the TV on and it's 24-7-360 degenerate programing. When I was coming up no boy ever wanted to chop his penis off and say he is a she. Now in our society a man sucking a Penis makes you a Hero according to the MSM. Faggots have now exceeded Negros in the Victimization racket as far as being the most "oppressed" Kevin Hart had to apologize to the faggots for Social Media Posts made years ago. Humor is now Racist, fucking kill Joys... I'm still gonna make jokes fuck these soft pansies.

01-30-2019, 03:05 AM
ive been lurking on the asksoy fb page and there are more than a few hard righties on there letting it fly in the comments besides me.

Whitey Ford
02-02-2019, 06:32 AM
ive been lurking on the asksoy fb page and there are more than a few hard righties on there letting it fly in the comments besides me.

Glad to hear that! This soyboy onslaught needs to be met with stiff opposition.

What used to be just nothing more than useful, everyday life skills and common sense are now considered 'toxic masculinity.' You can change a tire by yourself? You can hunt, kill and skin a deer? How terrible! Obviously, we are oppressive, toxic masculine tools of the patriarchy. LOL

It's kind of like that episode of Married With Children where Al Bundy is robbed of his masculinity by an unmanly haircut.


Best TV show ever, that. They would get firebombed by antifa if they ever put that on prime time these days.

02-02-2019, 07:29 PM
It is almost like they want men to sit down to urinate and fem/nazis to stand when they do.