View Full Version : Dominicoon spigger heroin dealer in Lawrence, Mass gets ratted out by his sprog..

05-19-2017, 08:52 PM
:lol He dead meat..


A “brave” 11-year-old Lawrence boy who called the cops on his own father — telling them there was a suitcase full of fentanyl and heroin in the house — is being commended by Lawrence police and city officials for stepping up and doing the right thing.

Yamil Mercado, 40, turned himself in to Lawrence police last night, aware that he was being sought on drug charges.

Cops also told the boy they would protect him: “We said that we would keep an eye on his house,”

http://www.bostonherald.com/news/local_coverage/2017/05/lawrence_man_with_drugs_turned_in_by_11_year_old_s on

05-19-2017, 11:11 PM
The niglet asked for an increase in its allowance, and the buck said no.

justin igger
05-19-2017, 11:13 PM
Cops also told the boy they would protect him: “We said that we would keep an eye on his house,”

:rofl That means fuck off and die.