View Full Version : Feetsball niggers says TSA niggers stole stuff out of his luggage, blames Govt shutdown

Whitey Ford
01-24-2019, 11:53 AM
So, your fellow niggers at the TSA steal your clothes?

Oakland Raiders TE Jared Cook claims TSA employees STOLE several valuable items out of his luggage at the airport on the way to the Pro Bowl ... and he's calling 'em out on video.

"The great folks at TSA went through my bag and stole my shoes and some of my clothes," Cook told Vegas Sports Daily at the Pro Bowl practice in Orlando.

Cook says the items were worth a "pretty good amount of money."

Muh clothes!

You can see in the clip Cook is pretty upset -- and he's blaming the alleged crime on the government shutdown.

"I guess when you're forced to find work or find money to come in from somewhere for your family, you take it out on the people that you serve."

It's dat Trump muhfugga and da gubmint! Dey beez not payin' dem bruthas!

This nigger has made $37 million in his 'career' so far. In 15 years he will be broke and on EBT and probably working for the TSA himself.



01-24-2019, 02:45 PM
I remember when Magic Johnson was diagnosed with Aids and they explained the definition of Magic. It stood for, "My Ass Got Infected Coach."

SC Anemia
01-24-2019, 03:06 PM
"I guess when you're forced to find work or find money to come in from somewhere for your family...

Love the way this mutt makes excuses for thieving niggers calling it "forced to find money for your fambly"


White Orchid
01-24-2019, 08:42 PM
I remember when Magic Johnson was diagnosed with Aids and they explained the definition of Magic. It stood for, "My Ass Got Infected Coach."


Whitey Ford
01-24-2019, 11:00 PM
I remember when Magic Johnson was diagnosed with Aids and they explained the definition of Magic. It stood for, "My Ass Got Infected Coach."

Yep. My Ass Got Infected Coach with Ass Injected Death Serum. :nfl