View Full Version : She boon who had cancer cells cut out is medical hero, Oprah making a movie about it

Whitey Ford
01-16-2019, 02:51 AM
Yes, those brave african cancer cells saved humanity!
a. Be black.
b. Get cancer cut out of your body.
c. Get hailed as a revolutionary medical visionary !

The Mother of Modern Medicine” by Kadir Nelson, oil on linen

(CNN) Her cells are responsible for the polio vaccine, gene mapping and in vitro fertilization to name a few. But for a long time most of the public didn’t know her contribution to modern medicine. Neither did she because her cells were harvested without her consent.

"..harvested without her consent." As if the evil surgeon was stealing precious cancer cells from her against her will. :furk

This week, the Smithsonian unveiled a portrait of Henrietta Lacks, the black tobacco farmer who ended up changing the world.

… Lacks died in 1951 at the age of 31 from an aggressive form of cervical cancer. During her treatment, a surgeon cut cells from her cervix. Those cells became the first human cell line to reproduce outside the body. They came to be known as HeLa cells and became invaluable to medical researchers. …

The New York Times best-selling book, “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,” introduced Lacks — and what she did for medicine — to the world. An HBO film by the same name, starring Oprah Winfrey, helped disseminate her story further.

First clump of cancer cells to reproduce themselves outside of the human body came out of a she boon. What an accomplishment! :pat

And her fambly are fighting over the big Oprah movie money.

Instead, she learned that her close-knit and increasingly famous family was at war with itself.

The March 2 e-mail contained a link to a college newspaper story about her grandfather and uncle. Lawrence Lacks — Henrietta’s oldest child — and his son, Ron Lacks, had long been unhappy with the family’s portrayal in the best-selling book “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” and the way some of their relatives continue to profit from it by giving speeches around the country.

Now they were leveling a series of very public charges at the book’s author and publisher, Winfrey, HBO executives, officials at Johns Hopkins Hospital, the National Institutes of Health and other family members, accusing them variously of misrepresentation, exploitation and fraud.


Cracka Jack
01-16-2019, 10:13 AM
How about a list of all the felonies committed by the 4-5 generations of offsprog it initiated before it was good?

Cricket chirps from CNN.....

SC Anemia
01-16-2019, 10:40 AM
Because she had rotted and fetid lady-bits the sow became useful. Big deal. BTW, her cells WERE NOT responsible for the eradication of polio, gene mapping or in vitro fertilization. Look it up. CNN is talking out their ass.

Oh and common risk factors for cervical cancer are:

*Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.
*Having many sexual partners.
*Birth control pills (oral contraceptives) used over the long term.
*Engaging in early sexual contact.

So good for you ho. :lol

01-16-2019, 11:23 AM
BTW, her cells WERE NOT responsible for the eradication of polio

Jonas Salk, anyone? He alone must be turning over in his grave.

01-16-2019, 01:41 PM
Because she had rotted and fetid lady-bits the sow became useful. Big deal. BTW, her cells WERE NOT responsible for the eradication of polio, gene mapping or in vitro fertilization. Look it up. CNN is talking out their ass.

Oh and common risk factors for cervical cancer are:

*Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.
*Having many sexual partners.
*Birth control pills (oral contraceptives) used over the long term.
*Engaging in early sexual contact.

So good for you ho. :lol

^^^^^^^ This ^^^^^^^^

But you forgot baby powder, the sheboons ans sow love to put baby powder down their to coverup the stench and constant oozing of STD juices.

Baby Powder was found to cause cervical cancer.

Nappy Meal
01-16-2019, 03:07 PM
Well it's almost February so they have to pervert history once again. Here they lie out their ass even making a fake story in The Journal of American Medicine. Here is some truth

" One example of an immortalized cell line is the so-called HeLa cell line, started from cervical cancer cells taken in the 1950s from a woman named Henrietta Lacks. Cell lines are not used to produce vaccine virus."

"Researchers can grow human pathogens like viruses in cell strains to attenuate them – that is, to weaken them. One way viruses are adapted for use in vaccines is to alter them so that they are no longer able to grow well in the human body. This may be done, for example, by repeatedly growing the virus in a human cell strain kept at a lower temperature than normal body temperature. In order to keep replicating, the virus adapts to become better at growing at the lower temperature, thus losing its original ability to grow well and cause disease at normal body temperatures. Later, when it’s used in a vaccine and injected into a living human body at normal temperature, it still provokes an immune response but can’t replicate enough to cause illness."

Cell lines .vs Cell Strains are two separate things.

cell line
A cell culture that is derived from one cell or set of cells of the same type and in which under certain conditions the cells proliferate indefinitely in the laboratory.

cell strain
in tissue culture, cells derived from a primary culture or a single cell (clone) and possessing a specific feature such as a marker chromosome, antigen, or resistance to a virus.

Polio Vaccine was developed from a Cell Strain called WI-38 not the so-called HeLa Cell Line this is a Fact that these lairs can't get around. WI-38 is a diploid human cell strain composed of fibroblasts. Which is safe in humans because these are Normal Healthy Cells, Unlike the HeLa cell line, which were cancerous cells thus are not safe in humans. Yet another Fact Apeorah Winfrow can't get around.

Vaccines produced in WI-38 include those made against adenoviruses, rubella, measles, mumps, varicella zoster, poliovirus, hepatitis A and rabies.

Jonas Salk was the Inventor of the Polio Vaccine not the made up Magical Kangs that Nation of Islam concocts on a regular basis or the AME.


Whitey Ford
01-16-2019, 05:03 PM
^^^^^^^ This ^^^^^^^^

But you forgot baby powder, the sheboons ans sow love to put baby powder down their to coverup the stench and constant oozing of STD juices.

Baby Powder was found to cause cervical cancer.

Johnson & Johnson hid findings of asbestos in Johnson's Baby Powder for decades: Reuters (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/johnson-and-johnson-baby-powder-asbestos-in-talc-hid-findings-for-decades-reuters-reports/)

Shoving asbestos laden baby powder up their stank holes ain't helping anything.
But stank she boons are prone to a nasty condition called Bacterial Vaginosis (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2828507/). This is one of many reasons she boons stink so bad.

So, she boons are twice as likely to have Bacterial Vaginosis as White women. But, White women who sleep with dirty niggers are far more likely to develop it as well.

BV occurred in 12.8% of 906 sexually active intervals to white women- 24.8% of intervals when the woman reported an African-American partner and 10.7% when all partners were white. Among white women, there was a two-fold increased risk for BV incidence with an African-American, compared with a white partner (risk ratio (RR) 2.3, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.6–3.4; adjusted RR 2.2, 95% CI 1.5–3.4), but differed according to condom use. In the presence of consistent condom use, the adjusted RR was 0.7 (0.3–2.4); it was 2.4 (1.0–6.2) in the presence of inconsistent use; and 2.7 (1.7–4.2) in the absence of condom use. African-American women could not be studied, as there were insufficient numbers who reported only white male sex partners.

In other words, mudsharking is really a disease for foul, unclean dirty women. And science has proved this.

DR Spook
01-16-2019, 07:02 PM
Regardless of what was done with cells they were not human in the first place if they came from a nigger

SC Anemia
01-16-2019, 09:28 PM
African-American women could not be studied, as there were insufficient numbers who reported only white male sex partners.

Well no shit. :bert

Nappy Meal
01-17-2019, 12:07 AM
Well no shit. :bert

:lol Not too many white males fuck niggers, and those that have generally don't after doing it once. In the military I ran across a few that "tried" it, all complained about the smell and lack of hygiene all claiming a strange "must odor" and subsequent Gonorrhea infection shortly after.

Nappy Meal
01-17-2019, 12:26 AM
Johnson & Johnson hid findings of asbestos in Johnson's Baby Powder for decades: Reuters (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/johnson-and-johnson-baby-powder-asbestos-in-talc-hid-findings-for-decades-reuters-reports/)

Shoving asbestos laden baby powder up their stank holes ain't helping anything.
But stank she boons are prone to a nasty condition called Bacterial Vaginosis (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2828507/). This is one of many reasons she boons stink so bad.

So, she boons are twice as likely to have Bacterial Vaginosis as White women. But, White women who sleep with dirty niggers are far more likely to develop it as well.

In other words, mudsharking is really a disease for foul, unclean dirty women. And science has proved this.

I'm not really that old or young for that matter, been around the earth for several dozen trips around the sun. I have had many adventures around the globe, seen all the good bad and ugly, smelled things Humans should never smell in many shitholes on earth. With that being said there is nothing on God's Green Earth that smells worse than an 800lb American Sheboon shut in, they pour pounds of that Baby powder down there and it don't mask that Fumunga smell one bit. That smell is so awful it kills any flys or maggots. Usually those Land Whales Die before they hit 50, but not after having a dozen Sprogs. God I am getting sick as I write this I have to stop. :vomit

100% Not A Nigger
01-17-2019, 10:06 PM
That poor cancer. I'm glad it could better its life after being cured of having a nigger.