View Full Version : DNA proves niggers have a lower IQ. And that's racist.

01-13-2019, 06:20 PM

"James Watson, who discovered the double-helix structure of DNA alongside Francis Crick in the 1950s, said in a PBS film that genes cause a difference in intelligence between white and black people in IQ tests."

"Nobel Prize-winning American scientist who co-discovered DNA has been stripped of his honorary titles"

01-13-2019, 06:57 PM
James Watson knew niggers were an inferior sub-species but kept him mouth shut until his later years. He finally spoke the truth and the batshit ass crazy liberals heads exploded and this was the result......God I really hate liberals....

Here is a good short video on him, he was a true genius.


Nappy Meal
01-13-2019, 08:20 PM
It is sad what they did to this Great Man. It doesn't take a Genius to know Niggers are stupid, or Liberals for that matter.

Whitey Ford
01-13-2019, 09:38 PM
The poor guy is in a nursing home in a vegetative state now, but still they hound him.

Nobel Prize-winning American scientist James Watson has been stripped of his honorary titles after stating the truth about race and intelligence between blacks and whites.

In a TV program, the pioneer in DNA studies made a reference to a view that genes cause a difference on average between blacks and whites on IQ tests.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory said the 90-year-old scientist’s remarks were “unsubstantiated and reckless”. But they were morons, anyone who thinks that everyone is the same is an idiot.

BBC reported Dr Watson had made similar claims in 2007 and subsequently apologized.

He shared the Nobel in 1962 with Maurice Wilkins and Francis Crick for their 1953 discovery of the DNA’s double helix structure.

Dr Watson sold his gold medal in 2014, saying he had been ostracized by the scientific community after his remarks about race.

He is currently in a nursing home recovering from a car accident and is said to have “very minimal” awareness of his surroundings.


Cracka Jack
01-14-2019, 12:12 AM
Remember back in the early 2000's -- 2003-4, every other story on the news told what wonders would result from mapping the human genome? Did you notice how that whole topic very abruptly disappeared from the news cycle?


01-14-2019, 02:29 AM
Dr. Watson looked so pitiful in the PBS show because he was being bullied to be politically correct. He genuinely believed niggers are inferior, based on scientific data. He says he is not racist, I believe him, but even if he was so what. He's a realist. I support him fully.
If niggers are as smart as humans, how come they can't govern themselves? They can't even maintain their own communities, much less cities.
I'm sick of niggers wanting equal opportunity for everything. Why aren't folks enraged that most sports are nigger infested?
Fuck all niggers.

01-14-2019, 10:22 AM
You don't need all this research to tell me niggers are stupid.
Lets say I hold up a worm and a squirrel. Which one is smarter?
Ok. So now I hold up a nigger and a human. Just look at them. which one is smarter?

01-14-2019, 01:13 PM
You don't need all this research to tell me niggers are stupid.
Lets say I hold up a worm and a squirrel. Which one is smarter?
Ok. So now I hold up a nigger and a human. Just look at them. which one is smarter?

Exactly! In previous eras humans knew niggers were dumb. No scientific evidence needed. Now there's scientific evidence from a great man, and now it's "using pseudoscience to promote racism". Now to all of the other colleagues of Dr. Watson: will you let your daughter marry a nigger and produce ugly sprogs who you know will lower your family line's IQ by 50+ points? Well nigger lovers?

01-14-2019, 07:42 PM
He says he is not racist, I believe him, but even if he was so what. He's a realist. I support him fully.

There's no "racism" in pointing out the truth about niggers.