View Full Version : Milwaukee Turdler on Overpass Cheats the Bat Fairy

SC Anemia
01-10-2019, 10:04 PM
A Milwaukee bus driver is being hailed a hero for saving the life of a small child found wandering on a freeway overpass.

Driver Irena Ivic was recently on her route when she saw a baby boy wearing only a diaper and a onesie walking alone on a freeway overpass.

“Oh my God, I was so upset I couldn’t believe that somebody left the child on street,” Ivic said.

It was 8 a.m and the temperature was below freezing. Surveillance video captured the moment Ivic pulled her bus over on the highway overpass and rushed into oncoming traffic to scoop up the child before he ran into the intersection.


"Investigators say the child's was left outside by his mother who may have been suffering from a mental health crisis."

Bullshit, Mammy was at home smoking a blunt and not giving two shits about the niglet. The coddling press, mental health crisis my ass. It suffers from nigger.


01-10-2019, 10:52 PM
Just fucking saw this. Yeah mental defect called niggeritis. Looked every bit the feral beast that it was. Mammy should be sent to NU.

Cracka Jack
01-10-2019, 11:08 PM
Irena needs to be deported back to whatever shithole country she came from. If niggers want to let their turds wander the streets and become grease spots on the road, that is their right. We've got far too many bleeding heart nigger lovers here already.

Rape Ape
01-10-2019, 11:09 PM
Mammy probably sent the niglet out to find the crack dealer and buy some more.

01-10-2019, 11:26 PM
This is a true story and a little rough to tell.

When my daughter was sick with cancer at Children's Hospital years ago, there was a human boy one room over. His name was Alex if memory serves. He had both his feet amputated off, due to a nasty case of frost bite. Alex was maybe 5 years old at best, but the back story on what happened is what originally brought me to CO back then (Can't remember if I brought this up before to the oldies, I think I did). Alex came from a family that was decent I guess. His Dad was a good guy, over the road truck driver, owner operator. He was an only child at the time of his parents divorce. His whore of a mother was upset that the Dad was gone all the time and started going out to bars with her girlfriends. They lived in this mother-in-law apartment of the house her parents owned. Wasn't long after, she started cheating. Her Mother, last time I saw her, blamed herself for Alex's condition. Her parents hid their daughters bullshit from her husband and wrote it off as "she married young". Now this woman was your typical nigger bait. Roughly 5 foot 4 and at least 200 pounds. But her husband loved her and loved his family. So at one point they split up, her being a cum dumpster and all and she tosses her Husband out. He was heartbroken, at least when he tells the story you can see it in his eyes. At this point, Alex was about 3 years old. She end's up doing the dindu-dance and moves some smooth talking buck into her place. All is good, until one night on a cold MN winter, Alex wets the bed. Mom is at work (she was a CNA) and the dindu nuffin was woken up by Alex asking for clean PJ's and underwear. The Buck, being upset he was woken up took Alex outside and said "If yous gunna be an animal, yous go outside like an animal" and locked him out of their apartment. Now, this is a MN winter, we are talking 3-4 foot snow drifts, well -30 weather at night. The Buck went back to the bedroom and passed back out. We are not sure when this all happened, but Alex, was left outside, for several hours in his wet PJ's, without anything more than the snow drifts to keep him company.

When his Mom came home, she went right to bed to rut with her buck and didn't bother checking on Alex. Her Mom happened to look out her sliding glass door the next day and saw little footprints all over her deck (the sliding door the buck tossed Alex out of was under their deck) and thought it was odd. So she went outside. They found Alex, on the deck, under the patio furniture piled in the corner that was covered by a tarp. He apparently ran upstairs to the deck, barefoot, banging on the window hoping his grandparents would hear him. From what his Grandpa said, the snow drifts were too deep for him to come to the front of the house to ring the doorbell, there was evidence he had tried but didn't work. He was rushed to the Children's with hypothermia to an extreme extent. The staff said his feet and his butt had gotten the worst of it. Apparently he was squating down when he was found. His feet were amputated at the ankle due to the skin damage that had occurred.

When they arrested the Buck, they were told he had warrants in Chicago and he was brought there. The lead prosecutor in MN was assured he would never see day light again on the charges stemming from some stuff happening back in Illinois. So they waited...and waited...and waited. Buck finally got in front of the judge and he was released. Now due to the fact the buck said Alex wandered away, charges were dropped here in MN. So yeah, I don't put anything past jigs these days. Or their crooked handlers that cover for them.