View Full Version : Nigger criticized by cucklibs after being mistaken for White guy in blackface

Whitey Ford
01-05-2019, 08:14 PM

As the Finnegan New Years Brigade Comic Club performed for the judges in front of City Hall Tuesday morning, part of a skit illustrated this year’s infamous back-and-forth between Mayor Jim Kenney and rapper Jay-Z over the future of the Made in America. In it, a man dressed in a suit labeled “Jay-Z” walked a Kenney character down the street on a leash.

People quickly criticized the performance on social media, saying that the performer playing Jay-Z was wearing blackface. According to reports, the performer was not in blackface — his face appeared dark because he himself is black.

In an interview with Philadelphia magazine on Wednesday, Mummer Michael Inemer jumped to defend the troupe.

“That was a black American!” said Inemer, a representative of the Goodtimers Comic Club (the umbrella organization that includes Finnegan). “We’re not allowed to use blackface!”


Cracka Jack
01-05-2019, 08:24 PM
That "newspaper". delawareonline.com, aka the News Journal has a nigger sow in charge. Every fucking day the front page lead story is some variety of nigger whine. Rayciss this, and poor nigger that... I only know because I glance at it when I go to visit my elderly mother.