View Full Version : Cucktards adopt a sow 24 years old

12-31-2018, 10:22 AM
Fucking morons. Which will happen first: the sow eats them into bankruptcy, or it goes she-ape and destroys the house?

According to the IndyStar, Shay’s siblings were adopted by a relative, but not Shay. For years, the only constant in her life was Ginnie Wing, a school resource officer, whom she met when she was in the sixth grade. “My only interactions with police officers were always bad,” Shay told the outlet, “so whether they were coming to my house or, you know, in my neighborhood or removing me from my parents.”

Wing replied, “You know I would in a heartbeat.” Wing asked her family what they thought about the adoption, and her children said it was “about time.” An attorney cautioned against the adoption, so they got a new attorney. “She’s ours and we’re hers. And we wanted that to become official,” Wing said. Shay Roberson became Shay Roberson-Wing on April 20.



SC Anemia
12-31-2018, 10:41 AM
No wonder her only experiences with law enforcement have been negative:

...her addiction to crack cocaine ensured that Shay and her growing family, now five siblings, would reenter the child welfare system

Awesome idea, adopt a 24 year-old crackhead. Brilliant.

12-31-2018, 10:52 AM
They better hide the check books and any cash on hand, the crackhead sow will steal it. Oh and hide all the TeeBee's and silverware too.

12-31-2018, 12:50 PM
Looks like Precious negress.

SC Anemia
12-31-2018, 03:06 PM
Looks like Precious negress.

Gotta be two-fitty on the hoof easy. :lol

Rape Ape
12-31-2018, 07:02 PM
A 24 year old is usually considered a grown up adult. That means "get a job" and "support yourself".
Oh. Yeah. It's a nigger.
Never mind.

I'll bet it will eventually muh-dik the little boy with a strap-on, or eat him. Or both.

Cracka Jack
01-01-2019, 07:30 AM
Odds that Yahoo publishes a follow up story in 6 months....?

I think not.

01-01-2019, 01:40 PM
They’re box smashers. It all makes sense now. :lol


Is that its junior high graduation?

Odin's balls
01-01-2019, 02:25 PM
The follow up will be in the obituary section.

Master Sergeant
01-02-2019, 08:28 PM
A 24 year old needs to be adopted? This must be so they can keep this drain on society on the insurance till she's 26. Cuck tards are a new species that will be extinct if they don't change their behavioral patterns.

SC Anemia
01-02-2019, 09:59 PM
They’re box smashers. It all makes sense now. :lol


What's a box smasher?

Cracka Jack
01-02-2019, 10:09 PM
What's a box smasher?

Trust me, you don't want to know....... :lol

Rape Ape
01-03-2019, 12:34 AM
Is that its junior high graduation?

I'm betting Kindergarten. :lmao