View Full Version : Once Again CA Has Gone Full on Retard

12-21-2018, 10:50 AM

Whitey Ford
12-21-2018, 03:04 PM
CA was already Full Retard. They start at Full Retard and then go backwards from there.
Recently, San Fagcisco renamed a street christened after an early City Mayor and Senator who was a White Man. They renamed it after a no talent, hack communist painter from Mexico most famous for painting self portraits of herself.

UPDATE June 20, 2018: At the San Francisco Board of Supervisors meeting Tuesday, the board unanimously approved legislation changing the name of Phelan Way to Frida Kahlo Way. On Wednesday, San Francisco Mayor Mark Farrell told KQED he planned to sign the bill soon.

"San Francisco needs to be a place and has to be a place where everyone feels welcome and included," Farell said.

UPDATE April 5, 2018: On Tuesday, Supervisor Norman Yee announced that residents who live near City College of San Francisco voted to change the name from Phelan Avenue to Frida Kahlo Way.

"I think its important for city leadership to promote whats reflective of our culture today, and not allow for what happened in the past to dictate the future for us," Yee said when announcing the results.


Frida Kahlo was not even an American citizen. Why they would name a street after a foreign communist?

SC Anemia
12-21-2018, 03:13 PM
I had to take an art class as a humanities prerequisite back in college. The moonbat professor thought she'd have us sit through that abortion of a movie "Frida" with Salma Hayek. She called it "cunt art" (for shock value i think). I walked out of that class.


12-21-2018, 04:01 PM
I had to take an art class as a humanities prerequisite back in college. The moonbat professor thought she'd have us sit through that abortion of a movie "Frida" with Salma Hayek. She called it "cunt art" (for shock value i think). I walked out of that class.


Way back in the day (right after college) I went to work for X-company and 3 months later they had us attend a diversity/how to work as a group meeting. ( 6 sigma ) shit and all that. Not 15 minutes into the 3 hour long bullshit cluster fuck thing I got up and walked out.

They asked me why I left, told them it was making me Ill and I needed to throw up.

12-21-2018, 04:53 PM
They should be re-naming Chicago cemetaries after Obama.

SC Anemia
12-21-2018, 05:07 PM
They should be re-naming Chicago cemetaries after Obama.

No shit. Either way State Route 134 only connects a portion of I-210 between Glendale and Pasadena. Basically a road to nowhere just like the niggers presidency.

Whitey Ford
12-21-2018, 06:47 PM
I had to take an art class as a humanities prerequisite back in college. The moonbat professor thought she'd have us sit through that abortion of a movie "Frida" with Salma Hayek. She called it "cunt art" (for shock value i think). I walked out of that class.


Just walked out? Should've demanded your money back. LOL
Frida Kahlo was married to the painter/muralist Diego Rivera, who also a commie. And Rivera and Kahlo were friends with Pablo Picasso who was a commie as well. Rivera was the guy who managed to get Trotsky out of Russia and into Mexico where he could try to live out the rest of his life. But, Stalin paid someone to ice him with an icepick. Interesting to note is that Diego Rivera was screwing Trotsky's wife, Rivera was a perv who cheated on all of his wives. Commie degenerates, all of them.

Whitey Ford
12-24-2018, 09:08 PM
NYC to name streets after Notorious B.I.G., Wu-Tang Clan, and Woody Guthrie (https://boingboing.net/2018/12/24/nyc-to-name-streets-after-noto.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+boingboing%2FiBag+%28Boing+Bo ing%29)

Naming streets after nigger (c)rappers. Our culture is dying.

The New York City Council voted to rename streets after hip-hop artists Christopher Wallace (aka the Notorious BIG) and the Wu-Tang Clan and folk musician/activist Woodie Guthrie. If Mayor Bill de Blasio gives his final approval, a block in Brooklyn where Notorious B.I.G. was raised will be called Christopher Wallace Way, Staten Island will have a Wu-Tang Clan District, and part of Coney Island's Mermaid Avenue will be renamed Woody Guthrie Way to celebrate his 1940s home.

https://boingboing.net/2018/12/24/nyc-to-name-streets-after-noto.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+boingboing%2FiBag+%28Boing+Bo ing%29


Cultural advocate LeRoy McCarthy spearheaded the efforts to rename the streets after the legendary hip-hop acts. “I’m happy that NYC officials are finally giving the city’s indigenous ‘Hip Hop’ music the respect and recognition that it deserves. It took a long time and lots of hard work to advance the Christopher Wallace Way & Wu-Tang Clan District street co-naming, but ya know what, Hip Hop Don’t Stop,” McCarthy told Gothamist.


Master Sergeant
12-26-2018, 10:23 AM
I wonder how TNB will occur on that stretch just like anything named after MLK Jr. If I lived there I'd make it a point to pull over and drop a bag of litter on the roadside out of spite.