View Full Version : Why coalburning exists

12-18-2018, 01:58 AM
Today's kids are exposed to nigger mixing at an early age. Courtesy of your local Staples.

Master Sergeant
12-18-2018, 09:49 AM
You can't escape it today. I was in a Hobby Lobby and in the picture frame section they had a mixed couple in the picture frame. The liberal media and advertisers are advancing this morbid agenda to a record level this year.

White Orchid
12-18-2018, 12:23 PM
Gross. This shit needs to be outlawed (again).

Whitey Ford
12-21-2018, 07:14 PM
The adolescent mind is a product of not fully realized brain function. The human brain doesn't actually fully develop until around the early 30's.
It starts in the prefrontal cortex. Your decision making comes from your medial prefrontal cortex. In the very young mind the medial prefrontal isn't fully actualized and is still bouncing off of the impulsivity center of the brain for decision making, hence the really bad choices.
At about thirty, the prefrontal cortex becomes fully developed, it no longer relies on the impulsivity center for decision making any longer, it now is relying on the hippocampus. In a fully developed brain, the medial prefrontal cortex goes down to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex where it hooks up with the rest of the brain via the temporoparietal junction. From there it goes down to the hippocampus, which is the part of your brain that stores knowledge, experience and memory. Now you're thinking straight with a brain that's fully mature.

So, take a really young girl who's prefrontal cortex is still developing and:
1 Inundate her with magic media niggers, nigger sports stars and (c)rappers via TV, radio, internet, magazines, etc etc
2 Send her to nigger laden public schools where she grows up with them
3 Compound that with busy parents who aren't paying attention to her, a broken home or just a plain bad home situation

....and you might get a coalburner out of this toxic, dysfunctional mess.

If you don't want a coalburner then send your daughter to nigger free schools. Make sure she isn't exposed to media that glorifies niggers. And, most of all, warn her her about the foul nigger beast from an early age.

Buck Simian
12-22-2018, 12:21 AM
A couple years back I found myself driving around Cincinnigger for some insane reason. I heard they have a nice zoo there, I never knew it was right in the streets. Anyways I end up stopped at a light and happen to glance over to this bus stop. It had a shelter to sit in, anyways on the outside of it was a huge picture of a white girl with a nigger and some shit wrote on it. I drive down the street and notice another one, this time with a different white girl and different nigger. I start driving around at random, every bus stop had this, with a different and always mixed couple. Now anyone who wants to say that there is not some secret agenda trying to push this nigger loving shit is either insane or part of the problem.

Master Sergeant
12-22-2018, 06:58 PM
The media, Nigger-wood, demoncrats and advertisers are all in bed together on this one. They have but one agenda and that's to infect the minds of innocent unsuspecting white kids (male and female). The cRap culture is the best way into the minds then pour on some in your face advertising on tv and the web. If I had a youngster today I'd be especially vigilant as to where they go, associate, music and schools.

12-26-2018, 01:18 AM
The adolescent mind is a product of not fully realized brain function. The human brain doesn't actually fully develop until around the early 30's.
It starts in the prefrontal cortex. Your decision making comes from your medial prefrontal cortex. In the very young mind the medial prefrontal isn't fully actualized and is still bouncing off of the impulsivity center of the brain for decision making, hence the really bad choices.
At about thirty, the prefrontal cortex becomes fully developed, it no longer relies on the impulsivity center for decision making any longer, it now is relying on the hippocampus. In a fully developed brain, the medial prefrontal cortex goes down to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex where it hooks up with the rest of the brain via the temporoparietal junction. From there it goes down to the hippocampus, which is the part of your brain that stores knowledge, experience and memory. Now you're thinking straight with a brain that's fully mature.

So, take a really young girl who's prefrontal cortex is still developing and:
1 Inundate her with magic media niggers, nigger sports stars and (c)rappers via TV, radio, internet, magazines, etc etc
2 Send her to nigger laden public schools where she grows up with them
3 Compound that with busy parents who aren't paying attention to her, a broken home or just a plain bad home situation

....and you might get a coalburner out of this toxic, dysfunctional mess.

If you don't want a coalburner then send your daughter to nigger free schools. Make sure she isn't exposed to media that glorifies niggers. And, most of all, warn her her about the foul nigger beast from an early age.

Excellent advice. When my sister and I were kids, he made sure to steer us away from left wing infulences, especially the magic niggers, he got us into worthwhile music and movies, which is mostly older stuff, and was an active role model in our lives. My sis is married to a guy who thinks like we do here. I would not be surprised if he was on this site, really. Dad had it right. My sis makes good money, has a nice house, she's basically got the American Dream. Despite failing health, I still work hard and pull my own weight in society, as an example of how health issues don't have to keep you down. I'd say dad's example is a perfect role model to follow.

12-28-2018, 01:02 AM
A couple years back I found myself driving around Cincinnigger for some insane reason. I heard they have a nice zoo there, I never knew it was right in the streets.
