View Full Version : Rev Al Sharpcoon speaks out against 'homocide'

Whitey Ford
12-12-2018, 07:25 PM
While Al Sharpton is known for giving powerful speeches, the liberal civil rights activist also has had more than his share of blunders using certain words or phrases.

The latest example of this came on Sunday morning, when the host of MSNBC's PoliticsNation got his tongue twisted by mispronouncing “homicide” as “homo-cide.”

Sharpton began that segment by obviously reading from a teleprompter when introducing his female guest.

He noted that this year’s election cycle had been dubbed the “Year of the Woman” before referring to Suffolk County District Attorney Rachel Rollins as “one of those creating that reality.”


One of her goals, he stated, was “solving homo-cides.”


But I thought Rev'run Al was down with homocide.
