View Full Version : Tiffany Trump dating Nigerian born mohammedan who's brother is a wigger rapper

Whitey Ford
12-01-2018, 04:26 AM
Tiffany Trump is reportedly dating a wealthy billionaire scion from Nigeria. Tiffany, 25, is believed to be the first of President Donald Trump's children to date a minority.

Sources tell Page Six that Tiffany is dating Michael Boulos, who grew up in Nigeria -- one of the nations Trump slammed as a "sh-thole country."


Boulos attended an elite international school in Nigeria, and his brother Fares is an actor and rapper who performs as Farastafari. Their family founded Boulos Enterprises and the publicly traded conglomerate SCOA Nigeria.


12-01-2018, 04:40 AM
And now we know why the Trump family avoids discussions about her.

Master Sergeant
12-01-2018, 11:53 AM
She always had that "burner" look to me. Her mother was a borderline skanko as well.

12-01-2018, 05:39 PM
Boulos has Lebanese origin, so he may be a sand nigger. Does that qualify him as a minority?

12-02-2018, 12:30 AM
Boulos has Lebanese origin, so he may be a sand nigger. Does that qualify him as a minority?

Qualifies it as an asslifter. She's sharking to piss daddy off, since she's not in the inner circle of all things Trump.

Sheboon DeLuxe
12-02-2018, 11:41 AM
Lebanon was a majority Christian nation until recently. Boulos sounds more Greek than Middle Eastern. He sure looks white to me. A wigger, no doubt, but at least not a nigger.

Whitey Ford
12-02-2018, 06:10 PM
Lebanon was a majority Christian nation until recently. Boulos sounds more Greek than Middle Eastern. He sure looks white to me. A wigger, no doubt, but at least not a nigger.

Boulos is actually arabic in origin. I did a little research before posting so I wouldn't falsely accuse a human of being a sandnigger. Interestingly, it did sound Greek to me too.

Sheboon DeLuxe
12-03-2018, 11:55 AM
Damn, I should have done my homework like you did. Apologies. You're right, Boulos is Arabic (or Greek, of Arabic origin.) Just for argument's sake, he still could be a Christian. There are lots of Arab Christians. Which calls for a determination from the Admins: is an Arab Christian a sand-nigger?

Cat fur allergic
12-03-2018, 03:02 PM
Sand Nigger for sure, his father is named Massad Boulos.

Master Sergeant
12-08-2018, 03:51 PM
Either way, I think she's just acting out in her own way. Marla Maples always looked like a potential burner to me.

Whitey Ford
12-09-2018, 12:31 AM
Damn, I should have done my homework like you did. Apologies. You're right, Boulos is Arabic (or Greek, of Arabic origin.) Just for argument's sake, he still could be a Christian. There are lots of Arab Christians. Which calls for a determination from the Admins: is an Arab Christian a sand-nigger?

That's actually a really good question. My Aunt's heart doctor is originally from Lebanon. And he's a devout Christian who greets his patients with a big "God Bless!", goes to church every Sunday with his wife and kids and is pretty pale but has dark eyes and hair, but doesn't look niggerish or sandmonkey in the least. I wouldn't consider him to be a mohammedan or a sandmonkey.

Rape Ape
12-09-2018, 02:01 AM
Damn, I should have done my homework like you did. Apologies. You're right, Boulos is Arabic (or Greek, of Arabic origin.) Just for argument's sake, he still could be a Christian. There are lots of Arab Christians. Which calls for a determination from the Admins: is an Arab Christian a sand-nigger?

Is a "Christian" nigger still a nigger?
Now, there are people in the middle east who have fair skin, and no kinky hair, broad noses, and bootlips. As long as they don't have nigger DNA, they're human, but if they choose to lift ass, then they're non-sand-nigger asslifters. However, IMO, if it has genetic attributes of the nog, then the one-drop-rule applies and its either a nigger of the jungle variety, or a coon of the dune variety.

12-09-2018, 03:03 AM
A mohammedan, or Muslim, is a sand nigger by our definition. 1% nigger blood is a nigger. There are niggers who are Christian, but that doesn't mean anything, they still act like niggers. Some whites identify with niggers and act like niggers, so I'd consider them wiggers.
Lots of Lebanese are Christian. Some Egyptians are Christian. If they don't have nigger blood, and act human, I'd consider them human.