View Full Version : Army Recruiting Video Is Beyond Fuxated

Master Sergeant
11-28-2018, 07:45 PM

This turned my stomach even though I know the military and especially the Army has been fuxated for years. I can't imagine being around a groidle of idiots like this in uniform.

DR Spook
11-28-2018, 10:46 PM
For this and many other reasons I am thankful to be retired. Niggers ruin everything, I just hope America wakes up before it's too late.

Whitey Ford
11-29-2018, 07:03 PM
Instead of declaring war on an enemy we should just start a black ops covert program to "shame" the enemy into allowing all of America's niggers to immigrate to their country as 'refugees' from all that horrible, horrible waycisssm allegedly here. This invading "army" would make short work of the enemies' country in no time. Worse than a nuclear bomb, the plague, famine or napalm, the nigger menace would have them begging for peace.

I am become nigger, destroyer of worlds!

p.s. they can have the mohammeds too.
