View Full Version : Bill Gates Spending $18 Million On Population Control In Africa

Whitey Ford
11-16-2018, 05:25 PM
Finally, Bill does something right.

Bill Gates Spending $18 Million On Population Control In Africa

Bill to help stop the dindu explosion in the muddaland? I don't believe it.

According to All Africa, the Gates family announced at an international family planning conference in Rwanda that they will be donating $18 million to "family planning programs" through the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).


SC Anemia
11-16-2018, 06:17 PM
He could send 18 million in condoms and some bootlip would twist them all into a giant rubber band.
All of a sudden there'd be another YouTube video of a nigger genius who invented a flying machine.


Rape Ape
11-16-2018, 06:23 PM
It's called Ebola. It's not expensive. :lol

11-16-2018, 08:56 PM
Unfortunately, niggers can also propagate by shitting, and then African flies just take it from there by nesting on a sow's muh-coochie.

100% Not A Nigger
11-17-2018, 07:38 PM
He should spend 18 billion on sterilizing the niggers. We don't need anymore of them.

11-18-2018, 03:18 PM
He could send 18 million in condoms and some bootlip would twist them all into a giant rubber band.
All of a sudden there'd be another YouTube video of a nigger genius who invented a flying machine.


Exactly. I remember about 20 years ago a bunch of libtards were in da muddaland giving out condoms and explaining how to use them and the niggers looked even dumberfounded at the concept.

11-20-2018, 09:43 AM
Non-event. Bill Gates spending 18 million bucks on nigger control is like me dropping $1.50 in the Salvation Army can. Won't have any appreciable impact, except that I just blew $1.50...

11-28-2018, 01:13 AM
Too bad that 18 mil isn't going towards grouping all the nigs in the Sahara, then making a glass parking lot out of it. Or throw a bunch into a retired container ship, you could probably fit a few million in a large one, stack 'em like cordwood, cripple all navigation equipment (The nigs will just try to use it to look up online muh dik anyway) and let the Navy have some "Target Practice". 18 mil could go a long way, if done right.