View Full Version : Senior Adviser says Shillary will run against Trump in 2020

Whitey Ford
11-12-2018, 04:04 AM
Hillary Clinton will run for president again in 2020, former adviser says (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/hillary-clinton-will-run-for-president-again-in-2020-former-adviser-says)

Hillary Clinton will run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020, according to a former adviser and a top Democrat in New York.

Mark Penn, a pollster and senior adviser to former President Bill Clinton and ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from 1995-2008, and Andrew Stein, a former Manhattan Democratic party figure and New York City Council president, wrote Sunday in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece that the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee would not let "two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House."

"Mrs. Clinton has come unbound. She will not allow this humiliating loss at the hands of an amateur to end the story of her career," Penn and Stein wrote of President Trump, explaining how Clinton would re-package herself as a more liberal "Hillary Clinton 4.0." "You can expect her to run for president once again. Maybe not at first, when the legions of Senate Democrats make their announcements, but definitely by the time the primaries are in full swing."

11-12-2018, 04:40 AM
No goddamn way will I vote for someone who's so liberal to allow useless, uneducated, loud and disgusting illegals into this country and pay for their food, shelter, and children's education. These illegal newcomers do nothing to help the American way. They speak Spanish unashamedly and don't pay their taxes. Next thing you know there's 4 kids popping out of their wombs. Disgusting, because they intend to hijack the system. Then they bring their old parents here who just weigh everyone down. My patience and human compassion for these abusers are long gone. Their children will compete with legally born and legal immigrant children. They're nothing but a different culture not for America. Simply put, I don't want tacos, I want cheeseburgers.

Rape Ape
11-12-2018, 05:16 AM
My prayers have been answered. :lmao
That cunt was almost a vegetable in the last election. Maybe she'll pick that battle sow from Georgia as her VP sidekick house nigger. Or better, Maximum Watermelon.

Sheboon DeLuxe
11-12-2018, 11:08 AM
At first I thought this had to be a satire. Let's hope it's true!

11-12-2018, 02:11 PM
I love it, that dementia ridden criminal skank will either lose worse than before or stroke out during a debate, which would be extremely entertaining :lol

5354 5355 5356

Buck Simian
11-17-2018, 10:21 AM
This is one of the main problems with the Democrat party-aside from the fact that they are batshit crazy and politically corrupt. The party is controlled by power hungry old people at the top who will not relinquish their grip and give the younger people a chance. Hillary Clinton is one, Nancy Pelosi is another example. She is blood thirsty to be speaker of the house again. Even though people of her party dont want it and other younger Democrats are interested in taking the lead her old ass is going to force her way back into that position. There is no way to get a Democrat out of office until it dies of extremely old age. And Hillary will keep running for President every election as long as she still has a pulse. She will knock other people in her party out of the chance of running who might stand a better chance of winning for her own greed.
Its all good though, President Trump wouldn't even need to show up at the debates. He could sleep in and not even need to campaign and still win.

11-20-2018, 11:52 PM
Watching her stumble around, seize, and twitch in half-empty high school gymnasiums pleased me immensely. Maybe she can shit herself this time around at a rally for an encore.

Rape Ape
11-21-2018, 01:27 AM
Watching her stumble around, seize, and twitch in half-empty high school gymnasiums pleased me immensely. Maybe she can shit herself this time around at a rally for an encore.

Who says she hasn't been crapping herself the whole time? I'd swear she's wearing grampers under that pantsuit. Or a colostomy bag.

11-21-2018, 08:18 AM
So I have to listen to that screeching hillary sodom clinton again?