View Full Version : Great news, niggers now crossing the border via Mexico.

Cat fur allergic
11-09-2018, 05:24 PM

The young man traversed Andean mountains, plains and cities in buses, took a harrowing boat ride in which five fellow migrants drowned, walked through thick jungle for days, and finally reached the U.S.-Mexico border.

Then Abdoulaye Camara, from the poor West African country of Mauritania, asked U.S. officials for asylum.

You know liberals and cucks will give these niggers auto asylum.

Master Sergeant
11-09-2018, 06:19 PM
Great, just what we need is more niggers and spiggers. Were doomed.

SC Anemia
11-09-2018, 07:33 PM
Great, just what we need is more niggers and spiggers. Were doomed.


11-09-2018, 09:29 PM
I was reading up today on why even asylum-seekers who cross illegally have some "rights". It was due to a UN issue (1951)that grants such people due process, in short, the USA is constrained by some international law. I say bullshit. It's about time that we honor our citizens first before these vermin who will only burden our system. Cross illegally, get deported ASAP. Trump is working on that since yesterday, and I support it. Of course, ACLU and other stupid liberal lawyers will file suit. This just wastes time and resources, for what, shit? Just like the civil war, too bad it had to happen.

There's only about 45,000 (not sure of exact no.) total per year who really have legal standing to be given a hearing for true asylum. We have enough people here, and while it seems unemployment is low, a lot are under-employed. This caravan really pisses me off because it's a waste of our resources, so zero tolerance is what's needed, and the hell with international law, it's our border, we just need to deny even hearings. Remember, if they are given hearings and a notice to appear before a judge to determine the legality of their claim, most just disappear and are lost in the system. That is why it gives me great joy to hear some of these lawbreakers are caught, jailed, and sent back. I don't care about their rights, they are violating our rights.