View Full Version : Nigger lovers of the year. Parents of 5 niggers :o.

Cat fur allergic
05-16-2017, 12:41 AM
As white parents of five black children, Deanna and Aaron Cook have taught their family to grow thick skin.



Holy shit did they buy the farm for niggers?

justin igger
05-16-2017, 12:55 AM
Jesus fucking Christ. I am shocked at the number of white cucks that have never met a nigger or have ignored their first nigger lesson.

05-16-2017, 03:32 AM
I'm working the Target near home a few days ago. Mind you , this is 99 percent rich white suburbia, but we do get straggling niggers from across the nearby interstate town that is half niggerville. I'm watching this early 30's liberal cuck couple purchasing a new cell phone while holding their newly adopted 5 month old pet niglet. Surprisingly, the female cuck was pretty hot, so I'm gonna move up the inevitable slit daddy's throat and rape mommy to age 12 at the latest for the niglet!!! Enjoy DIEversity you cucks!!!