View Full Version : French Nigger MP Says Making Fun Of A Person's Accent Is Rayciss, And Should Be Criminally Punishable.

10-19-2018, 04:52 PM
It's not known whether or not it feels that the inability to understand an ooking nigger qualifies as 'making fun' of it.

To the French, it's a mortal sin to mangle the french language, they're ready to fight over that faster than when Hitler invaded.

A French MP has said someone's accent should be a protected characteristic along the lines of sex and race, and that mocking it should be made illegal.

Laetitia Avia of President Emmanuel Macron's ruling party - La République En Marche! - has proposed that anti-discrimination laws be expanded to include accents.

Avia's suggestion came after French politician Jean-Luc Melenchon derided a journalist's pronunciation at a press conference and asked if anyone else had a question in 'understandable French'.

The journalist, who was from Toulouse in southwest France, had asked the former presidential candidate about an anti-corruption investigation into his hard-left political party, La France Insoumise.

Melenchon mimicked her accent, saying she was 'talking nonsense' before turning away and asking: 'Has anyone got a question in more or less comprehensible French?'


Cracka Jack
10-19-2018, 05:26 PM
Laetitia Avia


Parlez vous bix nood, nigger?

10-19-2018, 06:25 PM
The respondent was just pissed, I didn't think he was a racist. If you can't understand nigger babble, that's not a crime. Niggers are the ones that need to be criminalized.