View Full Version : Turtleboy cracks the real story behind the Vermont House Nigger's resignation over rayciss..

10-17-2018, 08:27 AM
Kiah Morris, the only black woman in the Vermont legislature, shocked the US state when she resigned last month, citing ongoing racial harassment. Even in one of the most progressive states in America, she says white supremacy and a toxic political discourse are serious, unacknowledged problems.


The cops took her allegations very seriously. According to this press release they asked for Morris and Lawton to hand over their computers so they could read some of the threats they allegedly received in context. They did hand over the computers initially, but stalled when the cops asked for the pass codes. After Morris reluctantly provided them to the cops, Lawton marched down to the police station and demanded to have them back, which the cops refused to do. Instead they sent them to the Attorney General’s office for forensic analysis, and right after that Morris resigned.

In other words, there was a shitload of incriminating evidence on there that likely proved that Morris and Lawton were the ones threatening people, and instead of having a political scandal on her hands she dropped out of the election, blamed the racist police and DA for not protecting her, and spoke “her truths.” And the mainstream media did what they always do – fell for it.



White Orchid
10-17-2018, 12:53 PM
I love Turtleboy! They speak the truth and don't give a shit what anyone thinks.

10-17-2018, 01:10 PM
Turtleboy is actually Turtlegirl