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Odin's balls
10-07-2018, 04:49 AM

Coddlers give a nigger a chance to work in the finance sector....

And this is how hiring niggers to work in the finance sector goes horribly wrong....


10-07-2018, 01:54 PM
Why would anyone waste their time on a nigger? The boy may have drive and guts, but he doesn't have the smarts. You can dress a nigger like a gentleman, but just wait, its still a violent beast.

Odin's balls
10-09-2018, 03:24 PM
Why would anyone waste their time on a nigger? The boy may have drive and guts, but he doesn't have the smarts. You can dress a nigger like a gentleman, but just wait, its still a violent beast.

We have a few of these magic niggers floating around.

The two in the articles above and some nigger that thinks it knows how to play the stockmarket. That one likes to show off it' '04 plate Bentley with a gloss gold wrap job.

In all cases, it never ends well for human investors.

10-10-2018, 11:47 AM
The truth is that the nigger got lucky. It was actually casing the neighborhood full of expensive homes and cars, looking to see what it could steal. It didn't expect to run into a couple of coddlers, who somehow got it a spot at uni that should have gone to a deserving student.

And this is how hiring niggers to work in the finance sector goes horribly wrong....


I remember that now. UBS deserved a huge fine to teach it a lesson, which I bet it still hasn't learnt.

Whitey Ford
10-15-2018, 08:47 PM
A while back I was thinking of starting a small fund and short sell stock of companies that hire nigger CEOs, execs, etc etc. I noticed a pattern, once several companies hired exec level niggers their stock sunk like a stone. Like this nigger CEO who pretty messed up everything he ever touched.

Stanley O’Neal left Merrill Lynch & Co. in shambles, and his career hasn’t been the same ever since.
The former Merrill chief executive, known for his abrasive management style and his aggressive transformation of the storied brokerage firm, hasn’t held a corner-office job since he was forced to resign in 2007.


And check out this nigger.

Marvin Ellison is an American business executive who serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of Lowe’s, joining the company on July 2, 2018. He was the previous CEO of J. C. Penney, and had been since August 2015. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Ellison)

And this is the former company he just left.

J.C. Penney Plunges to a Historic Low After Loss Forecast (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-08-16/j-c-penney-slumps-as-quarterly-loss-widens-and-sales-disappoint)

Niggers have a pattern of screwing up formerly great companies. I really do need to get a fund started and capitalize on nigger incompetency.

But! Things are looking up.

While Black History Month 2018 will long be remembered as the year that we all went to Wakanda, it will also be notable for a less happy reason. There are now only three black CEOs who head up Fortune 500 companies, down from six on the 2012 list. The last time black representation at the top was this low was in 2002.


10-15-2018, 09:10 PM
Nigger financial wizards are like the yeti. They've been heard of, but no one has really seen one or verified it's real existence. They get hired for diversity shit but losses results and not profits. Those who hire niggers are stupider than dirt.

10-16-2018, 12:31 PM
There are now only three black CEOs who head up Fortune 500 companies, down from six on the 2012 list. The last time black representation at the top was this low was in 2002.

It's a good partial explanation for stock markets' good performance last decade, and especially now during Trump's presidency. No niggers in charge doesn't guarantee success, but niggers at the top guarantees ruin.

Stan O'Neal, God what a mistake it was to put that groid in charge. Monkeyshines in an expensive suit. I had a couple of friends who worked at the old ML and couldn't believe that nigger lasted so long.