View Full Version : Diane Abbott. The nigger gift that keeps on giving

Odin's balls
10-07-2018, 04:26 AM

For those unaccustomed to British politics, this fat, racist retard is a gift to right wing politics.

Every time it opens it's chiggun hole, it makes the most absurd statements that are never backed up by fact or any kind of sane logic.

The only reason it is allowed anywhere near politics is because Jeremy Corbyn drilled oil with it about four decades back.

It is doing wonders for the right, every time it makes a thick as pigshit statement about imaginary racism in the UK.

Buck Simian
10-07-2018, 11:00 AM
Every time it opens it's chiggun hole,



SC Anemia
10-07-2018, 11:17 AM
Looks exactly like a howler monkey.

10-07-2018, 02:24 PM

For those unaccustomed to British politics, this fat, racist retard is a gift to right wing politics.

Every time it opens it's chiggun hole, it makes the most absurd statements that are never backed up by fact or any kind of sane logic.

The only reason it is allowed anywhere near politics is because Jeremy Corbyn drilled oil with it about four decades back.

It is doing wonders for the right, every time it makes a thick as pigshit statement about imaginary racism in the UK.

The Shadow Home Secretary sparked controversy by accusing Scotland Yard of ‘poisoning’ relations with the black community through their stop-and-search tactics.

Man, I need to buy a book on UK politics or something, so I don't look like such a dumbass....WTF is a 'shadow home secretary'?...Anything talking about government with the word 'shadow' in it doesn't sound good....

Odin's balls
10-08-2018, 12:33 AM
Man, I need to buy a book on UK politics or something, so I don't look like such a dumbass....WTF is a 'shadow home secretary'?...Anything talking about government with the word 'shadow' in it doesn't sound good....

The shadow cabinet are the members of the oposition who would fill the roles of the actual cabinet ministers had they won the election.

In this case Diane Abbott aka the Flabbottapotamus would be an absolute disaster as home secretary. It can't even do simple maths and it hates YT.

The rest of the shadow cabinet are not much better. Loons, weirdos, communists and oddballs every last one of them.

10-08-2018, 02:46 AM
The shadow cabinet are the members of the oposition who would fill the roles of the actual cabinet ministers had they won the election.

In this case Diane Abbott aka the Flabbottapotamus would be an absolute disaster as home secretary. It can't even do simple maths and it hates YT.

The rest of the shadow cabinet are not much better. Loons, weirdos, communists and oddballs every last one of them.

And do these unelected losers have any power in UK politics? Or just shooting their mouths off?

10-08-2018, 10:55 AM
'disproportionate level of force' to arrest young black men

That's true but in the other direction. The "force" is nowhere near the level it should be. Niggers aren't arrested (let alone deported) in the numbers they deserve, and when they are, they're handled with kid gloves.

Odin's balls
10-08-2018, 01:32 PM
And do these unelected losers have any power in UK politics? Or just shooting their mouths off?

Well, they kind of just bellow like a wounded moose if they hear something they don't like in parliament.

Apart from that, they have a vote each, but they aren't the majority in the house.

So yes, they are more or less just window dressing.

10-08-2018, 01:58 PM
You version of our 50 IQ oxygen thieve.

Sheila Jackson Lee