View Full Version : Amazon is killing shopping malls? No. Niggers are killing shopping malls.

Cracka Jack
10-05-2018, 08:59 PM
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10-06-2018, 01:14 PM
I can tell you the GREATEST business decision mistake ever in mall management history that backfired in two words: Food courts. Buy your shit, and get the fuck out. Malls are not college campuses. The MOMENT, the SECOND they placed tables and chairs out for lazy and shiftless niggers to come and sit in while oggling the white girls, that was the beginning of the end for mall real estate. Amazon IS killing brick and mortar, but malls shot themselves in the face with their own guns long before Jeff Bezos showed up.

Food courts and public busing that brought niggers right to the front doors of these malls are what killed them. Billions in abandoned real estate now litter the American landscape, because these fucking imbeciles running things really drank the diversity kool-aid hard. Frankly, I love it. I LOVE (and by love, I mean the Patriot Boner kind of love) watching the fortunes of these fucking idiots destroyed. I hope all of them suffer the daily joys of having a pile of little nigger children calling them grandpa and grandma, and when those nigglets kill them after costing them everything they've worked for at the expense of the rest of us, justice will be served.