View Full Version : Chimpout at Mexican restaruant. NYPost thinks it's funny.....

Cracka Jack
09-14-2018, 11:00 AM
And wouldn't you know, the NYPost throws in some light hearted captions about how some buck is guarding what's really important, his drink. Hey, asshole reporter, what about all the dishes that were broken? What about any kitchen staff injured by thrown plates? What about the business that will be lost due to human clients who will never return?

These news people who try to make light of chimpout should all be chained to a lampost in the ghetto for a week. If they survive, I'm sure they'll have a change of heart.


09-14-2018, 11:38 AM
Let me break this down....

Shaniqua went to order something, the service was NOT fast enough for her and she felt all dispekted an' sheeeeeit, then went into the customary CAT 5 chimpout.

09-15-2018, 05:23 PM
Not a shred of decency in this sow niggeress. Just like her tribesgroid Serena gorilla.

Rape Ape
09-15-2018, 06:22 PM
Unfortunately, you can't just do the intelligent thing and put a "no niggers or dogs" sign on the front door. The niggers probably instigated the TNB to get out of paying.

09-15-2018, 06:50 PM
I had to immortalize this chimpout video :lol

Sheboon Trashes Mexican Restaurant Because the Service Wasn’t Fast Enough (http://dinduvideo.com/videos/sheboon-trashes-mexican-restaurant-because-the-service-wasn%E2%80%99t-fast-enough_v1063)

Sheboon DeLuxe
09-15-2018, 07:01 PM
I like how you added the primate house sound effects. Well done.

09-15-2018, 07:01 PM
Unfortunately, you can't just do the intelligent thing and put a "no niggers or dogs" sign on the front door. The niggers probably instigated the TNB to get out of paying.

You mean 'no dogs and niggers allowed'. Why would anyone put dog behind nigger?

Rape Ape
09-15-2018, 09:26 PM
You mean 'no dogs and niggers allowed'. Why would anyone put dog behind nigger?

Because they might make an exception for the dog. :lmao

Whitey Ford
10-06-2018, 01:16 PM
A mexican restaurant? WTF, was Chuck E Cheese closed or something?

10-06-2018, 09:36 PM
They could have just put some beans, rice, ground beef, shredded government cheese and taco shells in a large box on a random street corner, and let the niggers war with each other over it. The result would have been about the same, but further away from humans.