View Full Version : Aretha Franklin won't be coming down for breakfast

08-16-2018, 10:05 AM

SC Anemia
08-16-2018, 10:07 AM
No news just yet but we'll be hearing about this sowpotomus non-stop for the next day or two.

She was 76 and will not be missed. :traybat

EDIT: Ooops, sorry Mush. Mods, please move this to here: http://www.dinduplantation.com/forum/showthread.php?16470-Bat-Fairy-stalking-Aretha-Franklin&highlight=Aretha+franklin

Cracka Jack
08-16-2018, 10:21 AM

Get ready for a week long sobfest on the TeeVee.


Cracka Jack
08-16-2018, 10:24 AM
AFN_Weasel wins the nigger deadpool. Congrats Boss!!! :lol

Buck Simian
08-16-2018, 11:28 AM
How did the Bat Fairy penetrate that old negroid stank to get close enough to swipe it away? Regardless:

:trumpdance :nfl

08-16-2018, 11:44 AM
It's in storage? Well why didn't you say so!
Get ready. For the next five years we're going to hear how great this howling chimp is.

SC Anemia
08-16-2018, 12:16 PM
Congrats AFN_Weasel, good call maing! :lol

08-16-2018, 12:59 PM
She has been de-niggafied

08-16-2018, 05:34 PM
S-T-U-F-F-E-D...come to da funeral home and looksat me....

SC Anemia
08-16-2018, 05:37 PM

Get ready for a week long sobfest on the TeeVee.


No kidding. Despite the crap that the nigger-loving media is fawning about, the "nigra spirituals" and gospel choir bullshit...this hog already had 2 chiruns by age 16. Not sure Jebus would have approved.

Rape Ape
08-16-2018, 07:02 PM
Da Bat Fairy Done Come A Callin Fo Me!

08-16-2018, 07:32 PM
Didn't she do the National Anthem at the Super bowl a year or so ago? I remember that she took over five minutes to grandstand it and she quite frankly she was awful. Can't remember if any nig nigs took a knee or not so as to not disrespect this ego maniac.

08-16-2018, 07:41 PM
And a chimpout over her estate will begin in 3...2...1...

SC Anemia
08-16-2018, 09:11 PM
And a chimpout over her estate will begin in 3...2...1...

Oh man, I hadn't thought of that yet but, Franklin became pregnant for first time when she was 12 and had two children by different fathers by 15*

There's two more chiruns for a total of 4.

Franklin’s net worth is estimated to be around $80 million. Where that money will go currently remains unknown, but two attorneys not involved in Franklin’s estate tell PEOPLE that distributing such assets is never easy.


08-16-2018, 10:20 PM
Yup, pregnant at the ripe old age of 12.
But don't forget folks, niggers are already adults at 11, 12, or 13. At that age, they're already 6 feet tall.
She was always fat and ugly. Even when young. How could anyone put a dik in that ugly....other niggers I guess?

Buck Simian
08-16-2018, 11:11 PM
Franklin’s net worth is estimated to be around $80 million. Where that money will go currently remains unknown

Oh, we know what will happen. months (maybe years) of fighting in court with her estate and possibly even her corpse tied up in limbo. There have been several of these famous niggers die over the past few years who's family fought over everything, even possession of the body. It took 3 months of nonsense before James Brown was finally buried.

Buck Simian
08-17-2018, 06:46 AM
Liberals and niggers butthurt as Fox News posts picture of Patti LaBelle by mistake:


Really who can tell the difference? I most certainly cant.


animal mother
08-17-2018, 08:47 AM
Liberals and niggers butthurt as Fox News posts picture of Patti LaBelle by mistake:


Really who can tell the difference? I most certainly cant.


Someone at Fox did not have their secret nigger de-coder ring. They all look (and smell) alike.

08-17-2018, 09:30 AM
Liberals and niggers butthurt as Fox News posts picture of Patti LaBelle by mistake:


Really who can tell the difference? I most certainly cant.


Ah, c'mon, not a fair comparison. Obviouslly the one on the right is not an ape like the other three.

So, are you going to tell us the answer?
Are you going to tell us which of the two that's left is Aperrhea Franklin?

08-17-2018, 09:31 AM
Someone at Fox did not have their secret nigger de-coder ring. They all look (and smell) alike.

Too bad Koko is no longer here. She would have told us. Maybe we could ask Serena GorWilliams.

Buck Simian
08-18-2018, 07:18 PM
I was driving through town today and noticed one of those digital billboards that changes after a few seconds. Guess what was on it? Yes-Aretha Franklin. I didn't get to read the entire thing before it changed as I was driving by but i believe it did say something about The Queen. Tomorrow if i get some time i am going to head over there and try to get a picture of this shit.

Buck Simian
08-22-2018, 05:53 PM
This just in: Aretha Franklin had no will. Let the fighting begin!

How in the Hell can anyone who is worth millions in their 70s be so stupid as not to have a will? Are niggers that dumb? We see the same thing with every one of these rich niggers that dies. They literally either think they are going to take it with them or live forever.

I don't have diddly squat yet even I have even set up a will to distribute what little I have and what I want done with my belongings.


SC Anemia
08-22-2018, 11:59 PM
This just in: Aretha Franklin had no will. Let the fighting begin!

Beat me to it maing. Heard that this morning and that all four of her dumps (bucks) have filed papers already with probate court or whomever handles that sort of thing. Let the :gibs begin. :lol

Buck Simian
08-23-2018, 12:13 PM
I hope a bunch of white attorneys get super rich off of this. Let the legal fees eat up all of that wealth. Throw her family some bones from KFC when they are finished.

100% Not A Nigger
08-29-2018, 06:20 PM
Apparently she's going to try to take it with her.


If someone can post pictures. I'm on my phone.