View Full Version : Won't you help Bri Berry raise $2,000 so she can go to stripper school?

08-07-2018, 07:58 PM
I would like help in starting a new step in life. I love to dance and im also going through a huge development mainly focussing on true self confidence and body positivity. The first 1000 is to pay off my debt so i can open up my bank account again (due to one of those email evaluation for money scams) and the next 1000 is for transportation, pole dance classes and starting wardrobe for exotic dancing. I hope to become the best and build my confidence through it. And from there on to bigger things like acting because i know ive got that "it" in me. I just need to stop hiding. The donations would just help financially as a start working towards my larger goals. I plan on using dancing to make money to pay for college.



Stoughton Sausage Smoker Starts $2,000 GoFundMe To Pay For Stripper Training, Busfare To Pole Dancing Classes, And To Pay Off Debts From Nigerian Prince Email Scam She Fell For


Buck Simian
08-07-2018, 08:50 PM
You racists need to start coughing up some money and donate for her, the poor thing still hasn't got one dollar. :lol

08-07-2018, 09:24 PM
The first 1000 is to pay off my debt so i can open up my bank account again

Don't you mean the money you screwed the bank out of, like the thieving sheboon you're.

Cracka Jack
08-07-2018, 09:44 PM
It might fall off the pole and break it's worthless nigger neck.................. Hmmm.......

But is that really worth a dollar to me? :confused:

08-08-2018, 06:48 PM
Campaign Not Found :lmao

Guess the sheboon gave up on it's gibsmedat's

08-08-2018, 08:03 PM
Campaign Not Found :lmao

Guess the sheboon gave up on it's gibsmedat's

She be Turtleboy famous now.. :lol