View Full Version : Monkey bride's groidal banned from appearing on reality TeeVee to not further humiliate royals.

Cracka Jack
07-27-2018, 09:37 AM
The gift that keeps on giving.....


SC Anemia
07-27-2018, 09:48 AM
...as BBC and ITV agree it and could embarrass royal family.*

Really? Like inter-species marriages AREN'T embarrassing?

Odin's balls
07-27-2018, 01:25 PM
From the comments:

'I think that ship has sailed'

We really don't like her.

She just spent £150,000 on clothes to go and visit Harry's pet AIDS niggers in da muddaland.

Not a smart move.

07-27-2018, 06:53 PM
The traffic tunnels of Paris are callin'...this trip to Africa might be it, though...lots of bad shit can and does happen on the dark continent.

Buck Simian
07-28-2018, 05:17 AM
Imagine when the day comes that thing has a nigger moment, chimps out and attacks the old Queen in public. We know how they are. We know how easy it is to set off a sheboon. The old Queen accidentally bumps into her and spill something on her and it will be on. She will fill all disrespected and attack the old lady. What will happen then, what will they do? Will her bodyguards have to put her down on the spot like the rabid nigger she is? Come to think of it I would love to see that happen!