View Full Version : Nigger Shaq goes in a shark cage, shark sneaks in..

07-23-2018, 10:20 AM

Shaq was submerged while in a cage measuring six feet wide by 12 feet tall. The cage featured windows for better viewing but Shaq did not need it, as a small shark found its way through an opening and into the enclosure.

Fortunately for Shaq, the marine biologists working on the show immediately removed both him and the shark from the cage.


07-23-2018, 11:03 AM
Sharks eat shit?
No, way.

Rape Ape
07-23-2018, 04:43 PM
I don't know what that nigger is worried about. Sharks think niggers are whale shit. :lol
Niggers have other things to worry about in the water, like the Rockfish Fairy. And crocodiles. Crocodiles must not have taste buds, because it's been proven time and again that they won't hesitate to eat niggers. Or, maybe crocs just hate niggers. They'd have my utmost sympathy. :lol

Buck Simian
07-23-2018, 08:39 PM
Liberals always yack about stopping pollution and saving the environment yet they go and dunk a 400 pound piece of shit in the water around marine life.

Whitey Ford
07-30-2018, 09:14 PM