View Full Version : Niguel Hamilton fails his swimming lesson, you know the rest.

Buck Simian
07-19-2018, 08:43 AM
The Hamilton family was paying for swimming lessons at Lohrey Recreation Center to prevent exactly this kind of tragedy, Crump said.

Well that was a waste of money wasn't it? I mean I have heard of niggers blowing money on stupid stuff, be it clown shoes, gold teeth, gaudy clothing but swim lessons for a niglet?


And we all knew this was coming:

Niguel Hamilton’s family has retained the services of civil rights attorney Ben Crump.
Crump, who has represented the family of Trayvon Martin and taken on other high profile cases, was retained by the Hamilton family to “pursue justice,” according to a statement issued Tuesday

It doesn't take long for those nigger attorneys to come running when they smell the all mighty dollar does it?
