View Full Version : Antifa cuck gets berated for not meeting his Nazi punching quota, and for being white..

07-07-2018, 07:13 AM
“You’re still white,” she yelled at the man. “You’re still responsible. This is your fault. You’re inherently racist. It’s in your blood. It’s in your DNA.”

The exchange took place after the woman berated the man for what she called “white performativeness,” which apparently means showing up to an Antifa rally as a white person and not punching “Nazis.”

“I’m seriously telling you to do the work,” she said. “Punch a Nazi. Stop being performative.”


Video here:

07-07-2018, 10:58 AM
Performativeness? That's the new word, eh? Every few months they'll come up with some pseudointellectual phrasing with some pedantic, hollow meaning and repeat it often enough to make the average person wanna waterboard baby pigs before you take a #2 pencil, sharpen it, and stab it into your temple.