View Full Version : Comparing niggers to apes is still racist..

06-18-2018, 06:52 AM
The toxically racist ape characterization has been pushed to the margins of the public square. Nevertheless, a growing body of research shows that it has maintained a pernicious grip on the American imagination. It is especially problematic in the criminal justice system, where subhuman treatment of African-Americans remains strikingly visible.


06-19-2018, 04:56 AM
I recently read that 1 in 20 adult nigger bucks are incarcerated, as opposed to only 1 in 180 white males. The fact that niggers behave like apes just couldn’t have anything to do with this, could it? Add to that the number of criminals that don’t get caught and thrown in jail, it safe to say that easily 50% of niggers behave like savage apes. Hell even the well trained nogs that have jobs and pay their bills are known to chimp out much more regularly.

100% Not A Nigger
06-19-2018, 01:02 PM
It certainly is an insult to the apes to be compared to a nigger. I think the apes are owed an apology for the comparison.

06-19-2018, 02:48 PM
question. shouldn't subhumans be treated in a subhuman way?