View Full Version : Campaign to send nigger batting .161 to the All-Star Game

06-06-2018, 10:59 PM
Even baseball is something I can't enjoy because of the niggers and spiggers. I don't know if this sports writer is serious, but there are lots of fans who are.

Brinson, 24, is hitting just .161, but that hasn’t stopped Dan Le Batard from taking up his cause. He’s encouraging fans of his show to flood the ballots so that Brinson is in the running to be a starter for the contest.

Why is Dan Le Batard doing this?
Le Batard is no stranger to this type of thing. He was the person who turned over his Hall of Fame ballot to Deadspin in 2014. Part of the reason Le Batard did that was to expose the absurdity of the voting process.

Le Batard’s goal might be the same here. Major League Baseball’s All-Star voting process is flawed. Starters are decided by fan votes, and fans can definitely flood the ballots. Le Batard possibly wants to show that this method is silly. Or maybe he just wants to mess with the system.
