View Full Version : Nigger loving faggot run church in Ookland CA tells its flock of sheep not to call the cops on nigger criminals

05-31-2018, 03:15 PM
See http://www.firstoakland.org/
These mooks posted this crap on their Facebook Page

In our community we see:

That state-sanctioned violence perpetuates a violent and inequitable status quo in a number of forms including racialized policing
That Christ is found among those who are criminalized by our society and targeted for state violence: Black and Brown people, poor people, transgender and gender-non-conforming people, disabled people, and homeless people.
That beloved community members have been killed by local police, including Stephon Clark, Sahleem Tindle, Demouria Hogg, Nate Wilks, Yuvette Henderson, Kayla Moore, Alan Blueford, Oscar Grant and so many others.
That militarized policing continues to threaten the lives of beloved people within and outside our own faith community.
That militarized policing also harms human beings who serve as police officers, many of whom suffer from moral injury as a result of their work

SC Anemia
05-31-2018, 04:34 PM
That state-sanctioned violence perpetuates a violent and inequitable status quo in a number of forms including racialized policing

And just what in the rabid fuck is that supposed to mean? Only niggers could string together a nonsensical gaggle of words to form a meaningless sentence.

No wait, lemme try...


05-31-2018, 07:14 PM
Is that some kind of joke? They pull out "Support First Congo!". WTF is that?

And that shitty website looks like it was built in 1995.

05-31-2018, 09:37 PM
Is that some kind of joke? They pull out "Support First Congo!". WTF is that?

And that shitty website looks like it was built in 1995.

Yeah it had a real Web 1.0 look. Their FB page is more informative and has pics of the "ministers" . https://www.facebook.com/firstoakland/

06-01-2018, 09:11 AM
Yeah it had a real Web 1.0 look. Their FB page is more informative and has pics of the "ministers" . https://www.facebook.com/firstoakland/

waaaa! why did I click on that?