View Full Version : Negress surgeon films itself rapping and twerking during surgery - patient winds up with brain damage

Lynch Tree
05-25-2018, 10:45 AM

DR Spook
05-25-2018, 05:43 PM
Who the hell would let a nigger operate on them? I'd rather just die. Had a friend years ago donate his own blood prior to a surgery. He wanted to make sure he didn't get any nigger blood. Claimed he enjoyed working!

Buck Simian
05-25-2018, 08:33 PM
Good News Everyone! The patient was a nigger! Although some stupid ass white people have went to her as well.


05-26-2018, 09:01 AM
Apefirmative Action surgeon?

05-28-2018, 05:57 PM
Good News Everyone! The patient was a nigger! Although some stupid ass white people have went to her as well.


All niggers have brain damage, so how could they tell?

Here comes nigger lotto.

06-06-2018, 10:14 PM
Are the niggers smart enough to plan this? The patient is already equal to a retarded human, and the witch doctor gets a cut of the insurance settlement. I think there was a movie like that.