View Full Version : Silverback Serena Cries Rayciss, Because It Had A Nigglet, Dropped To 453rd, And Wasn't Seeded For French Open.

05-22-2018, 05:31 AM
Thinks it should get an exemption, because it went a'breeding...

I'm sure it has NOTHING at all to do with her verbal and sometimes physical aggression towards opponents on the court...

In short, it's saying that someone else who worked for their ranking this year should get bumped down the list so it can be seeded higher, thereby reducing the chance of early elimination. (being seeded at the bottom means it'll have to face top competitors right out of the gate.)

Serena Williams is being punished for having a baby.

That’s the only way to see the decision not to give her a seed for the French Open, her first major tournament since giving birth to daughter Olympia in September. French Tennis Federation officials told The Associated Press on Monday that they would award seeds based on rankings and, because Williams is currently No. 453, well, she’s out of luck.

That logic might be understandable had Williams spent the last 16 months on sabbatical, focusing on some other endeavor. But she didn’t. She had a baby, a physically grueling experience made even more so by complications that left her bedridden for six weeks.

Only a nigger could cry racism for suffering the consequences of deciding to have a baby.

Oh yeah, btw...9 month pregnancy + a birf + 6 weeks bedridden because complications with a human seeding a nigger, does not equal 16 months. But, racist YT's fault for enforcing the rules everyone else has to play by...


05-22-2018, 07:05 AM
Isn't she married to a billionaire white guy? What the hell is gorilliams complaining about?