View Full Version : So Cuckerberg's $100 million for Newark schools went to waste!

05-13-2018, 02:04 PM
Big surprise, big surprise. And the niggers are complaining that the foundation got the money to spend, instead of their snivel rights groups. You could spend a gazillion dollars on the shitskins, and they'll still complain because they didn't get to choose how.

The Facebook founder gave $100 million to reform Newark Public Schools, and other philanthropists later matched that, bringing the total donation to $200 million.

The money "didn't go to the city, and it didn't go to the school system either. It went to a foundation that made decisions about what the money should be spent on," he said at a Wall Street Journal conference on Wednesday. "You can't just cobble up a bunch of money and drop it in the middle of the street and say, 'This is going to fix everything.' You have to engage with communities that already exist ... To parachute folks in, it becomes problematic."

In a follow-up interview with Business Insider, Baraka explained that he wished the foundation had worked with local groups like the SPAN Parent Advocacy Network, the Newark Teachers Union, and the Newark chapter of the NAACP— which have all focused on local education issues for many years.

He gave the example of chronic absenteeism, an issue research suggests can lead to poor socio-emotional outcomes. The foundation advised that the school district remove attendance counselors in order to grapple with statewide budget issues, a choice Baraka criticizes.

Let me see if I can understand this: niggers don't show up to school, niggers don't graduate, but the niggers say it's not their fault they wind up poor without good jobs!


05-13-2018, 02:47 PM
He gave the example of chronic absenteeism, an issue research suggests can lead to poor socio-emotional outcomes.

Because having well-funded schools will make nigger children want to not skip school. Sure.

SC Anemia
05-13-2018, 02:53 PM
The foundation advised that the school district remove attendance counselors in order to grapple with statewide budget issues

Yup, that'll correct the absenteeism problem.


Buck Simian
05-13-2018, 03:12 PM
The sooner Mark Zuckerberg goes broke the better.