View Full Version : Negro the black labrador doesn't beg for it's gibs.... it pays for them.

Cracka Jack
05-11-2018, 04:42 PM
Probably not news to anyone here, but some dogs really are smarter (and more civil, and useful, and welcome.....) than niggers.

Check this one out. Good doggie!!!



05-13-2018, 04:00 PM
What a smart dog, even if its emulation isn't a full understanding. It still knows that you don't just take, unlike niggers.

Cracka Jack
05-13-2018, 04:07 PM
Spent a lot of time at a friends house in high school. Lots of beer consumed there with him and two older brothers. They had a golden lab, super smart dog. One night we hear it tap a paw in the patio door to be let in. Pull back the curtain, and it's standing there holding a 12 pack of Budweiser in it's mouth from the neighbors back porch. :lol