View Full Version : 100 ways you can be a traitorous cuck

04-29-2018, 08:15 PM
I can't finish this, it's too vile. When it's not a lie about what whites really do, it's about how a white can act like a nigger's inferior.

1. Just because you can’t see racism around you doesn’t mean it's not happening. Trust people of color’s assessment of a situation.

2. Don’t assume that all people of color share the same views. We are not a monolith.

3. Don’t assume or guess people’s races. This is NOT a fun game for us.

4. If someone tells you they’re from Uganda, don’t say, “I went to Nigeria once!” Just, please.

5. Related: Don’t refer to Africa as a country. It's a continent and it's wildly varied. Yes. Take a moment.

6. Oh, and rest assured that literally no person of color ever wants you to get back from holiday, show off your tan and excitedly exclaim, “Look, I’m almost as dark as you!” Cease and desist.

7. Don’t assume that a person of color knows everything about their country of heritage. Do you know everything there is to know about America? Germany? Sweden? That’s what I thought.

8. Don’t assume we can run if we’re Black, do math if we’re Asian, have drinking problems if we’re indigenous…

9. Regard us as autonomous, unique individuals, not as representatives of our race.

10. Don’t make embarrassing jokes to try and be “down” with people of color. We’ll laugh at you, not with you.



Buck Simian
04-30-2018, 07:55 AM
1. Just because you can’t see racism around you doesn’t mean it's not happening.

I hope it is happening!