View Full Version : Ben Carson Says Niggers Should Pay As Much As 3x More What They Pay As Their Share Of Their Section 8 Rent. Oh, And Maybe Work, Too.

04-25-2018, 11:55 PM
I say 100% of their rent and let the taxpayer off the hook, but, I'll grudgingly admit it's a step in the right direction...

If niggers didn't think he was an Uncle Tom before... :lol

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson on Wednesday will propose tripling the amount the poorest households are expected to pay for rent as well as encourage those receiving housing subsidies to work, according to the administration’s legislative proposal obtained by The Washington Post.

Tenants generally pay 30 percent of their adjusted income toward rent or a public housing agency minimum rent — which is capped at $50 a month for the poorest families.

Which means niggers pay 50 bucks max for their hovels, while slumlords rake in the tax dollar largesse. In my area, half of a single family double can get 12-1500 a month. Which means 1150-1450 dollars are YT's tax dollars.

HUD also seeks to change the deductions that could be considered when determining a tenant’s rent, eliminating deductions for medical and child-care costs.

Bye-bye, multi-niglet discounts.

All kidding aside, if they manage to pull this one off, niggers will riot hard, because evictions will rise sharply. No way are niggers going to pony up 100 extra bucks a month, money that could be used on weed and liquor and nails/fur/horsehair mods. Slumlords don't tolerate being shorted the $50 that niggers can't come up with now, they're not going to eat $150, sure as hell not with the costs of rehabbing a hovel after a pack of niggers get done with it not ever going down.

Couple this with the plan to deliver TrumpManaBaskets, and niggers are going to raise hell. I'm excited.


04-26-2018, 12:32 AM
Kidding me. I'm paying well over $1500 for a one bedroom apartment in Nigger Jersey.
$700 a month is taxes.
$50? That's what my grandmother paid in 1920.

Cracka Jack
04-26-2018, 08:20 AM
There wouldn't be 1/5th as many niggers knuckling around in the US if Uncle (((Sam))) wasn't putting a gun to YT's head and extorting taxes to support them.

Niggers should be left to perish from exposure and starvation, maybe lead poisoning if they try to steal to survive.

We could have colonized the Moon and Mars with all the money (human effort) wasted on niggers.

04-26-2018, 12:06 PM
This is the ONLY time I support putting nigger in a government position. I hope they enact the law and start making niggers pay up.

Side Note: I use to pay $1400.00 for my mortage until it was finally paid off 3 years ago, and as for property taxes. I get ass raped every damn year on that.

Johnny Rebel
04-27-2018, 03:08 AM
Ben Carson is a nigger himself and knows what a burden his "people" are on society. He knows the only way to make niggers work is by force. Take their housing and their handouts and they can either work or starve.

Rape Ape
04-27-2018, 05:07 AM
Niggers should be dragged in chains back to the plantation to be farm equipment again, and they should also be required to pay rent on their nigger shacks from any allowance massa chooses to give them. If they can't pay, they sleep outside, chained and padlocked to the nigger shacks in the dirt. Too bad for them. Only the useful farm equipment gets stored indoors.

Buck Simian
04-27-2018, 09:10 AM
Niggers should be dragged in chains back to the plantation to be farm equipment again, and they should also be required to pay rent on their nigger shacks from any allowance massa chooses to give them. If they can't pay, they sleep outside, chained and padlocked to the nigger shacks in the dirt. Too bad for them. Only the useful farm equipment gets stored indoors.

You big old softy, you are going too easy on them. :lol

Buck Simian
04-27-2018, 09:14 AM
I remember years ago some idiot I knew had this bright idea about buying a bunch of cheap houses and turning them into section 8 rentals. You can buy ran down houses/nigger nests in this city cheaper than a used car. He wanted me to invest in this with him, talking about all the money that could be made. He had all the figures and game plan broken down. No thanks. He ended up losing his ass and filing bankruptcy over it.

04-28-2018, 12:23 AM
I remember years ago some idiot I knew had this bright idea about buying a bunch of cheap houses and turning them into section 8 rentals. You can buy ran down houses/nigger nests in this city cheaper than a used car. He wanted me to invest in this with him, talking about all the money that could be made. He had all the figures and game plan broken down. No thanks. He ended up losing his ass and filing bankruptcy over it.

That's because on paper, its a great idea. Get paid lots of taxpayer largesse to house niggers. The reality is that those slumlords are lucky to break even, after the cash outlay to fix everything the niggers broke, stole, or destroyed beyond repair, and property taxes are taken into account.

Section 8 is one of the greatest shell games ever. The home has to meet a certain standard, and you get X number of dollars from Uncle Sam. If the costs associated with housing a rotating buffet of niggers exceeds what you're paid, that's too fucking bad. God forbid you bought the property for anything but cash, and own it outright. Oh yeah, and you pay the property taxes whether there's an income generating nigger in it or not.

How do you think Lowe's and Home Depot got so big, so fast? That's where an enormous amount of that government money eventually winds up, to buy the constantly needed replacement materials for rehabs.

Tar Remover
05-05-2018, 06:43 AM
There's just no way to win when it comes to finding usefulness in niggers. They bleed you dry coming and going.

05-06-2018, 01:36 AM
They opened up a lottery for some new section 8 housing in Ft. Worth and I think 2 earned their bat wings waiting in line to register.