View Full Version : Nigger Is Mad Because His McD's Order is Late, Douses Itself In...Milkshakes.

04-25-2018, 12:38 AM
Another one you couldn't make up if you were stoned on the best drugs money can buy...

The video begins with the irate customer clapping his hands together and shouting at the crowd of people in the Mcdonald's store: 'Everybody, everybody I want you to see, I'm done with this hating b***ches!'

The furious male - who is wearing a black Nike hoodie and joggers - then proceeds to strip off and removes his top.

He then yells 'I'm f**cking' done and takes off his trousers and shoes so that he is only left wearing shorts.

As shocked customers watch and gasp, the man leaps onto the counter while holding a milkshake in each hand.

Atop the counter, the topless male screams 'I'm f***ing done!' and then smashes the two milkshakes together in anger. The beverages spill all over him and the ground in front of him.

Then the fuming customer jumps from the counter onto the ground and slips on the milkshake - as bystanders shriek in disbelief.

Watch this monkey try to niggerlotto McDonald's for slipping on the mess it made.


04-25-2018, 06:49 AM
Sounds like an awesome National Geographic Special.

A McDonalds in Nigark, NJ of all places, the management kicks out all the nigger beggars.

04-25-2018, 02:21 PM
Newark, land of my birth, and a bigger shithole than Liberia.Thank God my pappy rescued us and moved us to our Ancestral Homeland in NC.

04-25-2018, 02:26 PM
Newark, land of my birth, and a bigger shithole than Liberia.Thank God my pappy rescued us and moved us to our Ancestral Homeland in NC.

Anyway, NC has been rotting fast. So, don't get comfortable.

Tar Remover
04-26-2018, 08:02 AM
Another one you couldn't make up if you were stoned on the best drugs money can buy...

Watch this monkey try to niggerlotto McDonald's for slipping on the mess it made.


I would LOVE to go to Daily Mail and respond to that, but they banned me........... Fuckin' niggers.........

Tar Remover
04-26-2018, 08:03 AM
What a fuckin' Jenkem Bag. Niggers- entertainment.

Odin's balls
04-26-2018, 09:24 AM
Holy crap! This thing is loose on the streets of London.

Carruthers! Fetch me my electric ape tamer!