View Full Version : Yesterday at the Homedepot. One lazy ass worker pretending to work. I gave it work.

Cat fur allergic
04-20-2018, 10:52 AM
Laziest nigger ever, even the sows would work slowly and talk to other niggers. but this one was pretending to work.

Literally nobody at the checkout. This one nigger pretending to work. His cashier light was on. He was off a few stalls away looking at shit. All the other cashiers were busy working. I was like you working here. Lazy nigger walks over and scans my two items. He didn't even bag my shit. I slowly bag mines. Oh other people lined up behind me. Once I got the nigger to work.

04-20-2018, 01:54 PM
How dare you, racist.
Like an evil racist, I usually move to another line if the cashier is a nigger or if there is a nigger in line.

Tar Remover
04-21-2018, 05:55 AM
Laziest nigger ever, even the sows would work slowly and talk to other niggers. but this one was pretending to work.

Literally nobody at the checkout. This one nigger pretending to work. His cashier light was on. He was off a few stalls away looking at shit. All the other cashiers were busy working. I was like you working here. Lazy nigger walks over and scans my two items. He didn't even bag my shit. I slowly bag mines. Oh other people lined up behind me. Once I got the nigger to work.

Niggers are useless as a dick on on a dead dog.