View Full Version : 'You Black Men Might Be Better Off At Home After A Certain Hour', Paper Suggests Self-Imposed Curfew For Niggers, So Cops Don't Shoot Them.

04-15-2018, 05:17 PM
I thought at first that this was a little surprising, coming out of a California paper, then I realized that it's just more 'love thy nigger'.

A northern California newspaper is facing backlash after publishing a controversial opinion piece in response to the killing of an unarmed black man by police.

The Valley Times, a weekly newspaper published in Rancho Murieta, near Sacramento, is in hot water for one particular line published on Wednesday that appears to suggest black men should go on a self-imposed curfew.

'Police have to be careful not to overact and you black men might be better off at home after a certain hour,' wrote columnist Marcia Courson, who has been a freelance writer for the paper for 10 years.

Right idea, way wrong reason.


Cracka Jack
04-15-2018, 08:32 PM
Marcia Courson needs to STFU and butt out. Niggers have a right to be out gaining the attention of law enforcement any damn time they please. :lol