View Full Version : Major nigger confrontation today
Buck Simian
04-14-2018, 07:31 PM
Right at my house. I am sitting on my porch enjoying the nice weather. Next thing I know peaking around the corner of my house is a dindu. Oh great. A dindu with a clipboard and a badge. I know instantly what it is. Either trying to get me to change cable providers or utility providers. We have these fuckers that go door to door trying to get you to change your utility provider, they are good at tricking people, mainly the elderly into signing up for various programs to save them money. Some of it is legit, some if it is a scam. Regardless I am at the point where I don't care if it is going to save me, I am not interested. From the start I could tell he was your typical arrogant nigger. He flashed his badge very quick and rattled off his name and the company he is with. I keep it civil, I listen to what he has to say and then I politely tell him I am not interested. That is when he went all high pressure. I forget what was said word for word but basically he was telling me that he is required to see my utility bill so that he can sign me up for this program or my bill will increase 30-50%. Required? I don't think so. I said something to the effect of well do you have a number I can call Monday and maybe discuss this or maybe a website where I can read about it? That is when things got ugly. Basically he was trying to pressure me by saying it has to be now. Yeah ok right. I keep bungee cords wrapped around my gate to keep it shut as i often have little nieces and nephews over who tend to run out it. He takes it upon himself to remove those cords and start to step into my yard. I stop him and tell him back up. Just leave, I have told you that I am not interested. Get off my property and away from my house. The nigger responds with he doesn't have to leave, that he has a paper which authorizes him to go to anyones property to sign them up. Then the nigger starts laughing at me and asking if that makes me mad that he is laughing at me. Tells me I have a anger problem, and of course he threw in that I disrespected him. What kind of shit is that? I tell him I will call the cops if he doesn't leave now, he responds with he will call the cops on me. So I pull my phone out and call 911.
He moves out into the intersection and around that time meets up with a sheboon who is doing the same shit-going door to door bothering people. They are standing in the intersection saying shit to me while I am on the phone with 911. I can hear him saying make sure you tell them I'm black. Yeah I did. Finally he moves up the street and starts bothering some of my neighbors. Around this time a cop car pulls up and they get out and talk to him around 10 minutes. Then they come down and talk to me. I explain everything, they basically said if he comes back call again and he will be arrested. They did check his ID and he was with who he said. Monday I will be calling the company he is with.
Fucking nigger ruined my day. I was just enjoying things, sitting in the yard watching the kids play in the grass and he shows up. All he had to do was explain who he was and maybe left me some sort of brochure, I wouldn't have thought anything of it. But no, He had to go all nigger on me.
Make sure you clorox the gate where the nigger put his paws on, don't need your nieces and nephews catching any nigger diseases.
EDIT: If a nigger set foot on my property, he would have a .45 stuck in his ugly mug.
Sheboon DeLuxe
04-14-2018, 08:49 PM
Monday I will be calling the company he is with.
Unfortunately, the niggers are doing exactly what the company trained them to do.
SC Anemia
04-14-2018, 09:01 PM
I forget what was said word for word but basically he was telling me that he is required to see my utility bill so that he can sign me up for this program or my bill will increase 30-50%.Required my ass.
I had some retards (not niggers but college-age SJW's bugging me last summer about my PG&E bill. (Pacific Gas & Electric, see Erin Brockovich).
Right off the bat I thought that was pretty damn arrogant...asking to see my bill. That's nobody's business but mine.
Secondy, "or my bill will increase 30-50%", that sounds and awful lot like a threat.
04-14-2018, 09:57 PM
They're all like that. Many years ago I got a bunch of brown hispanics. Now It's niggers.
They are aggressive. They come with the clip board, badge, hard hat. One will lead with a suit on. Followed by two who pretend to be utility workers.
They all try to look intelligent. But we know better. Don't bother calling the company. Like the other guy said, they are trained to be aggressive.
04-14-2018, 11:29 PM
Make sure you clorox the gate where the nigger put his paws on, don't need your nieces and nephews catching any nigger diseases.
EDIT: If a nigger set foot on my property, he would have a .45 stuck in his ugly mug.
Mr. Kraken gave you the best advice, disinfect your property against nignog diseases. Jenkem is right, the company will just blow you off.
Unbelievable, that you can't just mind your beeswax. Trouble comes your way. (I would have told 911 the trespasser was chocolate.)
Buck Simian
04-15-2018, 12:16 AM
If the cops had been black I would have said Muh Bad, he Dindu Nuffin!
04-15-2018, 12:46 AM
I have put a plaque on the wall and mounted my door bell button on it. I made this plaque in my shop and inlaid, "No Solicitors," around the door bell button. Right above the door I have a security camera pointing down to capture my conversations with the illiterate people dumb enough to push the button. About 2 years ago I had this dindu pull something similar with me. He wanted to come in my house and discuss whatever he was peddling. I politely said no to which he asked why. I replied niggers are not allowed in my house. It shocked him so bad he couldn't speak for a minute. Just when he started to chimp I asked him for his solicitor's permit. He replied, I ain't gots to have no permit. I then replied while you and I have been standing here I've called the cops and I'll bet they'll beg to differ with your opinion. Second I'd also like to state that all of the tax dollars spent on teaching you niggers to read and write have been wasted. He really started bouncing up and down after that one. To make my point look at the plaque where the door bell button you pushed to get me here. Can you read what it says? He stands back and stares at the wall and says, "well I didn't notice that before." About that time a police wagon pulls up in front of the house and it is the k9 officer. This nigger is about to turn white seeing that German Shepard going nuts wanting to get a piece of nigger. Instead of saying yes sir and no sir this nigger wanted to debate how I was rude, threatened him, was racist and called the law for no reason.
First thing out of the officers mouth was, "Where is your solicitor's permit?" Well I didn't know I has to have one. Wrong answer. The officer take out his ticket book and starts to write a citation to which I had to interject, "see, I told you the police would have a different view on that issue." The officer looks at me and asks if I asked to see his permit to which I almost pissed myself saying yes as loud and as quick as I could. Then the nigger goes to contradict me stating that subject never come up. I looked at him and pointed to the camera and the microphone above the door and said, "I have it all on disk and it will take me a few minutes to burn it on DVD." The officer turns to him and says, "well?" Finally pure golden silence. The officer radios in for a case number and low and behold this dumb ass has harassed a few other neighbors. Then he asks for another cruiser to come to my house to transport one. While he is putting the cuffs I ask the officer, "can't you transport him in the front seat"; to terrorize the nigger a little more. The officer replied, "No, my dog will hurt himself trying to get to the prisoner.
For those that are wondering, yes I was armed the entire time while talking to the nigger. I have a small weapon that I put on the shelf above my front door.
Buck Simian
04-16-2018, 09:35 PM
Well I tried to call and make a complaint but as others have said here it went nowhere. Just one nigger after another nigger answering the phones and transferring me from one department to the next. I did get put on a do not disturb list to supposedly keep them from harassing me in the future. If they show up again I am calling the cops right away. I have two no soliciting signs hanging up, one by the gate and one on the front door. Of course though niggers think big words like that don't apply to them.
A couple years back my parents had some niggers drop in trying to sell those overpriced Kirby vacuum cleaners, they were determined to go through this sales pitch and get my mom to buy this thing. I had to get loud with them to get them to leave. Funny thing is they have hard wood floors all through the house, why would they need a vacuum cleaner to begin with? Might as well try to sell a air conditioner to a Eskimo.
Rape Ape
04-16-2018, 10:42 PM
I have put a plaque on the wall and mounted my door bell button on it. I made this plaque in my shop and inlaid, "No Solicitors," around the door bell button. Right above the door I have a security camera pointing down to capture my conversations with the illiterate people dumb enough to push the button. About 2 years ago I had this dindu pull something similar with me. He wanted to come in my house and discuss whatever he was peddling. I politely said no to which he asked why. I replied niggers are not allowed in my house. It shocked him so bad he couldn't speak for a minute. Just when he started to chimp I asked him for his solicitor's permit. He replied, I ain't gots to have no permit. I then replied while you and I have been standing here I've called the cops and I'll bet they'll beg to differ with your opinion. Second I'd also like to state that all of the tax dollars spent on teaching you niggers to read and write have been wasted. He really started bouncing up and down after that one. To make my point look at the plaque where the door bell button you pushed to get me here. Can you read what it says? He stands back and stares at the wall and says, "well I didn't notice that before." About that time a police wagon pulls up in front of the house and it is the k9 officer. This nigger is about to turn white seeing that German Shepard going nuts wanting to get a piece of nigger. Instead of saying yes sir and no sir this nigger wanted to debate how I was rude, threatened him, was racist and called the law for no reason.
First thing out of the officers mouth was, "Where is your solicitor's permit?" Well I didn't know I has to have one. Wrong answer. The officer take out his ticket book and starts to write a citation to which I had to interject, "see, I told you the police would have a different view on that issue." The officer looks at me and asks if I asked to see his permit to which I almost pissed myself saying yes as loud and as quick as I could. Then the nigger goes to contradict me stating that subject never come up. I looked at him and pointed to the camera and the microphone above the door and said, "I have it all on disk and it will take me a few minutes to burn it on DVD." The officer turns to him and says, "well?" Finally pure golden silence. The officer radios in for a case number and low and behold this dumb ass has harassed a few other neighbors. Then he asks for another cruiser to come to my house to transport one. While he is putting the cuffs I ask the officer, "can't you transport him in the front seat"; to terrorize the nigger a little more. The officer replied, "No, my dog will hurt himself trying to get to the prisoner.
For those that are wondering, yes I was armed the entire time while talking to the nigger. I have a small weapon that I put on the shelf above my front door.
Nice one. Almost worth dealing with the boon to get it a one way cab ride to the NU Admissions Center. :lmao
Cat fur allergic
04-17-2018, 02:41 PM
I see nigger with clipboard, I close door. If outside, I say oh I'm just the worker. They leave.
I normally get niggers/spiggers a week or two ago a YT doing it which is very rare. I was like delivery? lol He started the speech won't take a no for a anwer. I close the door on his ass.
Cat fur allergic
04-17-2018, 02:45 PM
I have put a plaque on the wall and mounted my door bell button on it. I made this plaque in my shop and inlaid, "No Solicitors," around the door bell button. Right above the door I have a security camera pointing down to capture my conversations with the illiterate people dumb enough to push the button. About 2 years ago I had this dindu pull something similar with me. He wanted to come in my house and discuss whatever he was peddling. I politely said no to which he asked why. I replied niggers are not allowed in my house. It shocked him so bad he couldn't speak for a minute. Just when he started to chimp I asked him for his solicitor's permit. He replied, I ain't gots to have no permit. I then replied while you and I have been standing here I've called the cops and I'll bet they'll beg to differ with your opinion. Second I'd also like to state that all of the tax dollars spent on teaching you niggers to read and write have been wasted. He really started bouncing up and down after that one. To make my point look at the plaque where the door bell button you pushed to get me here. Can you read what it says? He stands back and stares at the wall and says, "well I didn't notice that before." About that time a police wagon pulls up in front of the house and it is the k9 officer. This nigger is about to turn white seeing that German Shepard going nuts wanting to get a piece of nigger. Instead of saying yes sir and no sir this nigger wanted to debate how I was rude, threatened him, was racist and called the law for no reason.
First thing out of the officers mouth was, "Where is your solicitor's permit?" Well I didn't know I has to have one. Wrong answer. The officer take out his ticket book and starts to write a citation to which I had to interject, "see, I told you the police would have a different view on that issue." The officer looks at me and asks if I asked to see his permit to which I almost pissed myself saying yes as loud and as quick as I could. Then the nigger goes to contradict me stating that subject never come up. I looked at him and pointed to the camera and the microphone above the door and said, "I have it all on disk and it will take me a few minutes to burn it on DVD." The officer turns to him and says, "well?" Finally pure golden silence. The officer radios in for a case number and low and behold this dumb ass has harassed a few other neighbors. Then he asks for another cruiser to come to my house to transport one. While he is putting the cuffs I ask the officer, "can't you transport him in the front seat"; to terrorize the nigger a little more. The officer replied, "No, my dog will hurt himself trying to get to the prisoner.
For those that are wondering, yes I was armed the entire time while talking to the nigger. I have a small weapon that I put on the shelf above my front door.
I have signs too, they either ignore or some asshole steals the signs bi yearly.
Tar Remover
04-21-2018, 05:01 AM
I have put a plaque on the wall and mounted my door bell button on it. I made this plaque in my shop and inlaid, "No Solicitors," around the door bell button. Right above the door I have a security camera pointing down to capture my conversations with the illiterate people dumb enough to push the button. About 2 years ago I had this dindu pull something similar with me. He wanted to come in my house and discuss whatever he was peddling. I politely said no to which he asked why. I replied niggers are not allowed in my house. It shocked him so bad he couldn't speak for a minute. Just when he started to chimp I asked him for his solicitor's permit. He replied, I ain't gots to have no permit. I then replied while you and I have been standing here I've called the cops and I'll bet they'll beg to differ with your opinion. Second I'd also like to state that all of the tax dollars spent on teaching you niggers to read and write have been wasted. He really started bouncing up and down after that one. To make my point look at the plaque where the door bell button you pushed to get me here. Can you read what it says? He stands back and stares at the wall and says, "well I didn't notice that before." About that time a police wagon pulls up in front of the house and it is the k9 officer. This nigger is about to turn white seeing that German Shepard going nuts wanting to get a piece of nigger. Instead of saying yes sir and no sir this nigger wanted to debate how I was rude, threatened him, was racist and called the law for no reason.
First thing out of the officers mouth was, "Where is your solicitor's permit?" Well I didn't know I has to have one. Wrong answer. The officer take out his ticket book and starts to write a citation to which I had to interject, "see, I told you the police would have a different view on that issue." The officer looks at me and asks if I asked to see his permit to which I almost pissed myself saying yes as loud and as quick as I could. Then the nigger goes to contradict me stating that subject never come up. I looked at him and pointed to the camera and the microphone above the door and said, "I have it all on disk and it will take me a few minutes to burn it on DVD." The officer turns to him and says, "well?" Finally pure golden silence. The officer radios in for a case number and low and behold this dumb ass has harassed a few other neighbors. Then he asks for another cruiser to come to my house to transport one. While he is putting the cuffs I ask the officer, "can't you transport him in the front seat"; to terrorize the nigger a little more. The officer replied, "No, my dog will hurt himself trying to get to the prisoner.
For those that are wondering, yes I was armed the entire time while talking to the nigger. I have a small weapon that I put on the shelf above my front door.:rofl
Tar Remover
04-21-2018, 05:02 AM
Right at my house. I am sitting on my porch enjoying the nice weather. Next thing I know peaking around the corner of my house is a dindu. Oh great. A dindu with a clipboard and a badge. I know instantly what it is. Either trying to get me to change cable providers or utility providers. We have these fuckers that go door to door trying to get you to change your utility provider, they are good at tricking people, mainly the elderly into signing up for various programs to save them money. Some of it is legit, some if it is a scam. Regardless I am at the point where I don't care if it is going to save me, I am not interested. From the start I could tell he was your typical arrogant nigger. He flashed his badge very quick and rattled off his name and the company he is with. I keep it civil, I listen to what he has to say and then I politely tell him I am not interested. That is when he went all high pressure. I forget what was said word for word but basically he was telling me that he is required to see my utility bill so that he can sign me up for this program or my bill will increase 30-50%. Required? I don't think so. I said something to the effect of well do you have a number I can call Monday and maybe discuss this or maybe a website where I can read about it? That is when things got ugly. Basically he was trying to pressure me by saying it has to be now. Yeah ok right. I keep bungee cords wrapped around my gate to keep it shut as i often have little nieces and nephews over who tend to run out it. He takes it upon himself to remove those cords and start to step into my yard. I stop him and tell him back up. Just leave, I have told you that I am not interested. Get off my property and away from my house. The nigger responds with he doesn't have to leave, that he has a paper which authorizes him to go to anyones property to sign them up. Then the nigger starts laughing at me and asking if that makes me mad that he is laughing at me. Tells me I have a anger problem, and of course he threw in that I disrespected him. What kind of shit is that? I tell him I will call the cops if he doesn't leave now, he responds with he will call the cops on me. So I pull my phone out and call 911.
He moves out into the intersection and around that time meets up with a sheboon who is doing the same shit-going door to door bothering people. They are standing in the intersection saying shit to me while I am on the phone with 911. I can hear him saying make sure you tell them I'm black. Yeah I did. Finally he moves up the street and starts bothering some of my neighbors. Around this time a cop car pulls up and they get out and talk to him around 10 minutes. Then they come down and talk to me. I explain everything, they basically said if he comes back call again and he will be arrested. They did check his ID and he was with who he said. Monday I will be calling the company he is with.
Fucking nigger ruined my day. I was just enjoying things, sitting in the yard watching the kids play in the grass and he shows up. All he had to do was explain who he was and maybe left me some sort of brochure, I wouldn't have thought anything of it. But no, He had to go all nigger on me.
I hate niggers.:fume
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