View Full Version : WTF google has gone too far.

animal mother
04-04-2018, 12:54 PM
This nigger image comes up now when I go to google on my ipad.


Buck Simian
04-04-2018, 01:36 PM
Oh I was expecting that one. I thought it was that Winnie the Terrorist nig, but it is some sow named Maya Angelou. They are all the same. Click on it, you will get to hear the lovely sounds of various sheboons reading the writings of that thing.
I wonder what is the amount of niggers vs. humans that they post on those google doodles? It has to be off the scale.

Cat fur allergic
04-04-2018, 02:17 PM
google might as well be a nigger company at this point. They won't be lasting long soon as their affirmative action niggers take control. Right now their soft engineers are still human. But they are now only hire niggers/affirmative action software guys. Their censors and bosses are liberals and affirmative action hires. But once the other group takes control of their tech. The company will be gone!

04-04-2018, 05:37 PM
'Gone too far'?

You're kidding, right? They're just getting ramped up. You don't think the niggerlove is going to EASE anytime soon, do you?