View Full Version : I F'ing told you so!!! Israel makes deal to pawn off their nigger invaders.

Cracka Jack
04-03-2018, 08:46 AM
To Canada, Italy and Germany. I'm guessing the Nordic nations have learned their lesson and said NO!!

What's the matter Bibi? Don't you believe in Die-versity?

If I was the President of any of the above nations, I'd consider this an act of war.


04-08-2018, 11:14 PM
"Groups of Israeli doctors, academics, poets, Holocaust survivors, rabbis and pilots had also objected to the planned expulsion,"

Did they just throw in Rabbis, Holocaust survivors, and pilots to make this look like a round table discussion? How many of these 3 VERY distinct classes of people could possibly want a bunch of useless niggers around? I'll bet you can't find but maybe one or two living-in-Israel rabbis that'd want niggers.

And who the fuck CARES what a poet wants?

Does Israel even HAVE cotton fields?

Lynch Tree
04-09-2018, 01:29 PM
Open borders for Israel!