View Full Version : Self-flambe at Travis AFB looks like attempted Aloha Snackbar

03-23-2018, 07:52 AM
TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- A car loaded with propane tanks ran through the main gate at Travis Air Force Base in northern California on Wednesday night. Military personnel ran up to the burning car that exploded in flame after breaching the security gates.

Law enforcement sources say the car carried propane tanks and the driver deliberately ignited the fire. He died inside the car, which drove off the road into a ditch. There are no reports of shots fired during the incident. The driver has been identified by law enforcement but not been named.

Since he ignited himself, investigators are treating this as an act of terrorism. The FBI has joined the Air Force in the investigation.


The ex-HNIC did so much damage to federal investigations that the attacker could have yelled Allah Akbar, had Korans in the car, tweeted about ISIS, and they'd still hold off on a terrorist conclusion.